Macs do get viruses. They are just the worse kind. Also this conficker thing is a lie. It was a way for anitivirus companies to sell. About 2 weeks before this a bunch of anti virus companies began splurging applications.
Replace the hornet model with the ship's I think he is proposeing. It would not work though. Animations will still expect vertice weights to animate. And the collision will still be the hornet's.
My original claim was that you are taking credit for LIVE research from that tool you made. You failed to correct your self for that from the start. And you continue to realize that now. You attempt to say everything I do is an attempt to "look smart" in front of everyone when I dont give a rats arse about what other people's opinion of me is. Especially on the internet. I'll just be the one that ends this now. I'll let someone else deal with you about taking credit. If you dare attempt to continue this argument then it shows how much of a ***** fit you get when an argument becomes remote. And I'm sure you have in mind "OH I WON THIS ARGUMENT I LOOK SMART NOW!" which would prove my point that you are attempting to look smart in front of people, which stays static no matter how much you continue this argument. In b4 faggatory.
And again. You missed the WHOLE point that LIVE and CON do not have different file structures. Going for everything around the target argument. Making your self look ignorant. Stop.
It does not change the fact that Live and con file structures are no different in file containment structures. Which you failed to admit while your having your 4 minutes of "OMG I LOOK SMART NOW!" You act like the LIVE file research is something special when it is something that has existed before halo 3 was even out. Live file info is uses on con files.
I would quote where you said you claimed the research but you edited your post. Making you even more tarded. And yes, the LIVE and PIRS file structure is EXACTLY like the CON file's. The only difference is the header and the hash function.
I am saying.. that the con file format was already researched, even before halo 3 was out. And the con file format is the same for the LIVE and PIRS file. So by you saying he stole YOUR research. Then your saying that you are taking credit for the original con research. Nom nom. No this is not a shoop. I used the 3d models from halo 3 and did some magic.
If you found a value that there is a 99.99% chance its totally random. Nearly everything is encrypted in halowars. But, the flameing warthog and honor guard wraith are 56 kb files. Contained is a txt file with "UnitModWraith" in its contents. These addons are located at Parition 3 > Content > 0000000000000000 > 4D530808 > 00000002 for those of you wondering.
Oh yay! He is gone! So you bought a devkit without knowing s*** and then you become nonproductive for 2 months and try to tell me "I actually have a life." And you fixing it twice shows that you have a life? That is just ridiculous. Your logic is horribad. And this non existent research that will apparently go to everyone but me, your releasing it so I will end up getting it either way but I would have no use to having a bunch of unknowns that no one wants. You can die now.