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Everything posted by DEEhunter

  1. Lolfail. After you tried to leak the stuff. You asked me for more rips to leak. That is fail. And what the fuck did I lie about?
  2. lol apophysis
  3. I loled. Web browser and variables. How about one that actually grabs data from the pages.
  4. You sir, need to learn more 3ds max.
  5. Hey guys. I heard some cool stuff about this topic.
  6. The same thing as the other 14 con resigners/hashers do....
  7. Hey guys. I heard there was some cool stuff going on in this thread.
  8. I noticed.
  9. Well now. Slip just wants to be a ****. Epsilon leaked the rips to him and now Slip is going to post it in the VIP section. Good thing I never told either of you guys how to rip uvs and bitmaps. http://www.modacity.net/forums/styles/smilies/mechhappy.png
  10. http://www.modacity.net/forums/styles/smilies/buckshit2.gif
  11. I'm not giving **** to anyone anymore because of steven. http://utforums.epicgames.com/showthread.p...4690&page=2 He is taking credit for both my mapping team and for the model ripper.
  12. I gave it to him because it is worth less of value to me. Now that there is retail ripping. Cannot Be Displayed
  13. Hey guys. I heard some cool stuff was going on in this topic.
  14. Also it is not an egg. It is a node model with a debug texture on it. Halo 2 has the same thing.
  15. Dragcave.net is retarded. Its about times you fags stop using it. I say get rid of it.
  16. cum of dumbfucks 4 sucks.
  17. Ha.
  18. http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/3959/heretic22191944.jpg Played this a while ago. Gameplay isnt that different from midship.
  19. *whistles innocently*
  20. in b4 fail.
  21. I'm king in this thread.
  22. pix or vids.
  23. DEEhunter


    Me=14 years old. I've been doing 3d since I was 11. Self taught, +1 internet.
  24. ... Bitmaps are rarely 32 bit. This is old stuff.
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