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Everything posted by DEEhunter

  2. But it uses warthog collision and physics etc.
  3. Ya bro. http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/4003/renderfuck.png
  4. DEEhunter

    RENDER ****

    http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/4876/rendertits.png Rendertits.jpg Forerunner textures are hard to make. D:
  5. They all suck. MS paint fags.
  6. DEEhunter


    Posting. Map concept. Will update. http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/2237/peniz.jpg
  7. Shoutbox sucks. Do it. I got one setup already to see how it will do until someone can make it official. irc://irc.shadowfire.org/ibotmodz Server is: Shadowfire.org:6667 #ibotmodz
  8. You fail. Even more.
  9. External IP method is mediocre.
  10. Detox says lots of things. "I CAN DO AWESOME STUFF BUT YOU CANT HAVE IT!"
  11. Could have not made this at all and actually do something productive with it.
  12. No. Null the diffuse shader leaving only the CC to take place.
  13. DEEhunter

    Dev Mod

    biped tag swaps. Kbai
  14. DEEhunter

    Broken Steel.

    Tesla cannon >= Shoop da woop laser.
  15. No need for a dll. Just post a method.
  16. DEEhunter

    Broken Steel.

    Contributing. http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/6210/fallout3200905061854140.jpg http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/5586/fallout3200905061810384.jpg http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/6393/fallout3200905061809219.jpg
  17. DEEhunter

    Broken Steel.

    Then send it over!
  18. DEEhunter

    Broken Steel.

    Can anyone with broken steel downloaded on there xbox and has a transfer kit please upload it am PM me? I need to do some research.
  19. Halo 3 maps has more then 1 checksum. Johnson only does 1.
  20. Used in the xbox 360 memory manager... :/
  21. http://fc07.deviantart.com/fs42/i/2009/123/f/c/Registeel_by_DEElekgolo.png FInal
  22. Nothing of value was lost.
  23. http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/9031/wip5.jpg
  24. And I would like to share. http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/9708/wip4.png Rendered in 3ds max.
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