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Everything posted by HaloGen713

  1. cool...i still want an infection mod
  2. 0 grav vehicles!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Hi guys, I'm just posting some of my favorite glitches: 1. Zero Gravity Vehicles Steps: 1. Spawn a vehicle, The Mongoose is the easiest. 2. Change the re-spawn rate to 10 3. Move it aside, not too far 4. Spawn another Mongoose in the EXACT same spot, so that the little blue things are in the same spot. 5. Change re-spawn rate to 180, and the run time minimum to the maximum 6. Destroy both vehicles, starting with the 180 re-spawn 7. Wait for them to re-spawn 8. Move first to spawn aside 9. Wait for the second 10. Try to pick up the the first one to spawn (the one in step If you are holding the other vehicle, you did it, if you picked up the normal one, you failed. If you do succeed, then have someone drive the one that you AREN'T holding. When you pick up the other vehicle, the other one will float. 2. Civilian Vehicles Steps: 1. Spawn the vehicles that you want to have this affect. 2. Find connection host 3. Have them prepare to quit 4. Start a new round 5. During the black screen, have the connection host quit Next round, the vehicles should be without turrets Note: This also works with Machine Gun Turrets, they just don't do damage 3. Monitor Weapons Steps: 1. Build a never ending Fusion Coil pit 2. Get three people in a party 3. Find connection host 4. Prepare one or two other people to move through the explosion as the monitor 5. Have connection host prepare to quit 6. Have connection host quit when the other people turn into "phantoms" (After you die as a monitor, you turn into one of these, with three people it causes a longer time frame.) After the lag ends, the fusion coils should have stopped, and the "phantoms" should be able to spawn things as the monitor, or press up and turn into a "human" that can fly. Note: Easiest on Narrows http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/27858-190.jpg 4. Put Teleporters Past Death Barrier *Connection Host Only* 1. Find Connection Host 2. Have them turn back and forth into the monitor and human. 3. Try to time it so that when they are a human they have the ability to spawn things 4. Once you get it, you can then spawn teleporters anywhere off the cliffs. Note: You cannot move once your through the teleporter, you can look around. So you have to do the trick where you have it on channel ten, then change it to the active channel. 5. Quickly Overload a Map *Connection Host Only* 1. Find Connection Host 2. Spawn weapons until you have two. 3. Spawn 4 Trip Mines, Instant Respawn 4. Press Y and X at the same time, and you should be throwing them very quickly. Note: This works with all equipment. Terms: Connection Host: Person with best connection to the internet in the party. *Finding Connection Host* Have people look down as a human/elite in forge, turn into the monitor, and turn back to the human/elite and if they are still looking down, they are, if they are looking straight, they aren't. Another way is to check in Theatre before the game, and it will be the person that needs to be host. Or, press R (to shoot) and B (to melee) almost at the same time (starting with R) with an Assault Rifle, Spiker, Needler, or SMG, and you will shoot one bullet, and if the bullet does not come back, you are, if you regain a bullet, you aren't Instant Respawn: AKA Rapid Respawn. Spawn an object, such as a Trip Mine, then go to change the respawn rate, but instead of changing anything there, press X again, and change the Run-Time Minimum to as high as it will go. The reason this works is because it tells the game that there must always be this amount of the selected object. Good Luck +Rep me if you liked this, no pressure If you need help, add me, my gamertag is HaloGen713, but that may change to Silent Crossfire
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