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Everything posted by HaloGen713

  1. HaloGen713

    360 OS

    then if you reattach it with say XP on it, could you technically have a new computer? (this wouldnt be worth it unless you have the elite)
  2. ill test it, but it has to be soon XBL is running out PM me with ur tag and things
  3. For the record, there is an app included with OS X called TextEdit, which I use the most, and there is also an option in Safari to debug/devolop Thanks Peaches
  4. HaloGen713

    360 OS

    mmhmm...could you reformat an xbox hard drive to use it as like an external?
  5. if your bored, sure
  6. You should put fans instead of crates, to look like its cooling the stage!
  7. Didn't i already make a post of this? This is the post please if you copied this off mine, please give me cred, if you didnt, then i'm sorry
  8. ah...thanks
  9. I think that we should change the strict title to include Playable Mod if it is, and just leave it the same if its not. Would that work?
  10. Thanks guys +Rep to all of u
  11. With the new ability to change armour in videos, i was thinking, what if you didnt put a hex code for an armour or an unassigned value. so when you would normally have like recon body, it'd be missing. Would that even work? It'd be pretty funny if say, there was a floating head.
  12. much better than your flag mod! thanks!
  13. thanks for the positive feedback guys!
  14. ill classify this under sucking, nice post though
  15. I have a question, what does the option for symmetry mean, what are symmetrical, asymmetrical, and both mean? +rep for first answer
  16. you forget invincibility...but its only in campaign...except in the new isolation mods!!!
  17. halo 3 is better i think, except for glitches...
  18. Eh...at least he's up, i mean, stop flaming the guy. Not all mods are winners.
  19. make sure that you keep this up to date, its very useful, also there are a few typos and such, thanks though
  20. There is one problem i have with windows vista, its called "copying." Mac OS 10.4, tiger, is nearly the identical OS. Lets see. #1. Windows Calender, Windows Mail. iCal, Mail. Something similar, don't you think? They even copied the colors! http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/28187-164.png http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/28187-165.png #2. Spotlight, (Tiger) Instant Search (Vista) However, Instant Search is much better because instead of being in the upper right, its in the bottom left. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/28187-166.png There are also some other things that i hate about vista, one being viruses, i went through 3 vista computers before i gave up and bought my MacBook. So, I am a diehard mac fan now, and i despise vista. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/28187-167.jpg
  21. HaloGen713

    360 OS

    couldnt you just make an ISO/DMG of the harddrive through Xsata Or Xport, and then just image a new hard drive to be the same?
  22. er...what didnt he write...?
  23. the warthog turret is an add on, so u cant just mod for one...sorry kiddo
  24. aww
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