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Everything posted by halo3glitching

  1. I want to try this
  2. I tryed it on both versions cracked and non-cracked.
  3. I am starting to get really pissed off about this. I would use Profile Editor by aversion media, I try to mod a couple of the achievements on Halo 3 (not the Vidmasters) and when I do all the rehashing and resigning and hash blocks, I go start up the xbox and I go to my profile and It shows but It has 0 gs and I can't go on it. So then I have to recover it and everything to get it working again. How come this happens? I tried using Le Fluffie but my gay computer won't let it start and it get's blocked. I tryed using a couple of other Profile Editors and still nothing.
  4. Here all just clear all of this up right here. So, my hard drive is mest up. I can have my xbox on and it will work perfect without the hard drive in it, but if i put it in, the screen just goes black. And I know it is something to do with the hard drive because I tried connecting the hard drive to my transfer cable, and nothing happened. No loading, no sound, just nothing. The hard drive wont turn on in any way. From what people are saying I corrupted the hard drive, which I think is true because I tried locking an achievment on my Xbox Live profile then put it on the hard drive and then that is when it stopped working.
  5. When I hook up the transfer cable to the hard drive nothing happens just a blank sound, and yes I flipped it and tried it the other way to. Nothing loads.
  6. But the thing is I can't connect it to my hard drive either.
  7. So, the other day I had my profile in the profile editor 2.0 and I locked an achievment, i save it, rehash and resign, drag it into the xplorer (yes it was in the right place), close it, take hard drive out and thats when it happens. I put my hard drive into my xbox and it turns on, but its a black screen for like 3 minutes. So I take it out, turn the xbox on and it goes perfectly fine and i am able to play all my games, but if i put my hard drive in, it just goes to a black screen. Does anyone know how to fix this? I will most likely be able to answer the questions you ask me if you are not sure what I am saying.
  8. Oh, but then how was the person on YouTube named GameTuts able to do it before the public release?
  9. Oh, but if lets just say my friend has the Mythic Map Pack II, and I don't. Would I able to put a usb into his xbox then just to system settings>memory and just copy the Mythic Map Pack II onto the usb, then put that usb into my xbox then just do the same thing only just move it into the halo 3 files.
  10. Well, a long while ago before the mythic map pack came out they gave it to this random person because Bungie like held a secret code everyone was trying to get, and once someone got that, alot of people on YouTube started having the Mythic Map Pack before it even came out. So I was wondering, where can i download the Mythic Map Pack II without paying MS Points for it? I have a transfer cable and all that so i'm just guessing you download it and extract it into your downloads or whatever.
  11. No I mean i have WinRar already, it was opened in it and then it just said like "360 Reality.file", then when I try to open it it shows the window where it says "Choose a program you want to use to open this file." I downloaded something else like this and I clicked the .file and it went into another .rar file with the thing I wanted.
  12. Im a noob but how do you open this, it's just a .file?
  13. When do you get all of this after you use it?
  14. It doesnt work anymore. I got to shut down the links.
  15. Is that thing actually a bot?
  16. Awesome i wish there was a download link from bungie.net though =(.. i might get an xsatat finally after vacation.
  17. Assembly (descent) http://redirect.xboxdb.com/go.php?260 Sandbox - http://redirect.xboxdb.com/go.php?257 Orbital (spacecamp) - http://redirect.xboxdb.com/go.php?258 This is just incase the mythic map pack gets washed away at http://files.xboxsoftmods.com
  18. I'm on there
  19. yeah thats why i posted these.
  20. Yeah.
  21. I thought so..
  22. Dam im never going to get any of these maps. http://i380.photobucket.com/albums/oo245/Halo3glitching/Halo3glitching%20Web/Assembly.jpg http://i380.photobucket.com/albums/oo245/Halo3glitching/Halo3glitching%20Web/orbital.jpg http://i380.photobucket.com/albums/oo245/Halo3glitching/Halo3glitching%20Web/Sandbox.jpg
  23. My webbrowser lets you autofresh a tab every ... seconds, you get to set how many seconds it will refresh by.
  24. How do you get the different codes?
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