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Everything posted by halo3glitching

  1. Damn, I was 10 years old when I joined this site. I am now 17, I can't believe this place still exists. My signature with my old speedtest reminds me of how horrible my internet used to be. Now, thankfully, I have a ~80 mbps down with ~10 mbps up
  2. What?
  3. Hello.
  4. It was truly fun, thank you for teaching about modding at such a young age!
  5. halo3glitching


  6. Kink posted it first (on XboxMB), Dark copied and pasted on TTG. But XboxMB and TTG are partner sites, so that doesn't matter much.
  7. Yes I glitch & mod in a lot of games, I used to do it in Halo 3 all of the time, and Halo Reach, well doesn't have many glitches. And what did he mean by "you can hitch it to give you more points per kill."
  8. So basically, what I am trying to ask is does anyone have any working Call of Duty: Black Ops combat training gpd mods that still work after the patches? If not, do you know an xp glitch to gain ranks really fast? I only know a working prestige glitch.
  9. Pretty much, I know how to do the score hack for 2 songs when you go to '1 player', and I know how to do it for all the songs when you go to online mode.
  10. POMA, no need for code for SGT. Johnson now.
  11. No you wont get banned, unless you addictively boost the flawless cowboy commendation like 500 times on the same mission you might get ur commendations reset. But anyways, is there any tutorial on how to hex edit your Reach solo save?
  12. Ohh I see what your saying. Dang, just if someone can figure out how to get past those check sums in the hex code of the file so we can manually mod it by hex editing it.
  13. You just said there is no way to mod a solo campaign save, then how does Horizon do it?
  14. Have you updated to the latest version of Modio? It is fast, and what do you expect from mainly a free mod tool? It is great for the games that it mods, and yes it may now require much skill to hex edit it either but for noobs that is what they use.
  15. Wow your good at editing in Adobe After Effects!
  16. I can't try this right now, but I downloaded it and tomarrow I will edit this post and tell you how it went. EDIT: It worked out great! I completed the whole Co-op legendary because of this, now we just need the modded solo campaign for legendary.
  17. BTW LimeWire had a built in anti-virus, it was like 60MB just to scan the files you download. They did that because people kept getting viruses.
  18. I downloaded uTorrent, now I just got to learn where to get the albums ( such as using magnet links) -- And how do you tell if they are high quality?
  19. Yeah but LimeWire looked everywhere for the BEST quality music. iTunes and all that dont always have it as good as limewire.
  20. If you have recently have gone on the limewire website or program, you will notice a note that says this exactly: The search thing is completely blocked for it, but you can still play music on limewire. I guess it is back to google search or something for music now.
  21. Lol I didn't know that save button works for all of the tools sorry.
  22. The crown editor does not save.
  23. I will never be an inheritor considering how slow I rank up as a Warrant Officer Grade 1
  24. Lazy white kids dont need to do it by themselves =P
  25. Dam this program has a crazy ass design (meaning amazing) -- Can you give me link to the dll you used? EDIT: BTW thanks for not making this a paid program
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