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Everything posted by halo3glitching

  1. In Halo 3 and Halo: ODST there were campaign save editors for the two games, which were both only in valhalla. Does anyone know if it is possible and will their be a Halo Reach Progress editor for j-tag or non j-tag? So I can mod my progress to completed Legendary XD.
  2. I can never tell if some mods need a j-tag, does this one need a j-tag?
  3. Authorizing Myself =P
  4. You probably dont know this completely for sure, but will Black Ops do the same thing?
  5. nice man 2147483647/10!
  6. Anyone know when reach will be added? I got Recon, but i want the flaming thing and the gamestop pre-order stuff =P
  7. Looks pretty good, but of course I wouldn't be able to use the money for it.
  8. Yeah Im really hoping to get Halo: Reach, but school is starting to get in the way though.
  9. Guys i'm pretty sure if it is posted by Peaches it is not fake.
  10. I've been playing a lot of other games than halo 3 now. The only thing is I want to upload videos of other games, but I dont know if I should because of my name.
  11. I have been browsing over the internet lately for a Castle Crashers mod tool, and I finally found one. I have used it twice, and of course I did not make it. The re-uploaded and latest version I put last in the links down there is probably the recommended one you should get. http://imageups.com/files/110/CCMTMain.PNG About: http://imageups.com/files/110/CCMTAbout.PNG The persons host was took down, so here is the latest version there was of the program: http://www.mediafire.com/?fcay80y1rtinefi I am not sure why the text is underlined, I tried to undo it and all of that but It did not work.
  12. Authorizing myself
  13. I am checking it works (this post is mainly to get access) then I will edit this post and tell you. <div><br></div><div> EDIT: </div><div>It still showed the unhandled exception error, could you upload the Halo Wars Fire Warthog and GoW 2 Gold-Plater Hammerburst for me?</div>
  14. Dang still no one ever answered my question. Oh Well, I am seeing if the unhandled exception thing got fixed by something.
  15. Just noticed how easy it is to make animations in Photoshop CS5
    1. Randomrocket


      like gifs? Yeah there is an animation bar
  16. Help! When I click "Save" for the Gears of War 2 Gold-Plated Hammerburst, it shows an Unhandled Exception error and does not download, that same thing also happened for the Halo Wars Fire Warthog. Otherwise, Everything worked fine, I got all of the other things I wanted.
  17. Ok, but I didn't mean stealing it, I meant learning from it then make other game modding programs. But anyways, could you give me an example of how you would set a hex variable or whatever you call it?
  18. Thats not what I meant, I already learned most of VB.NET, but I want to know which language is the best for making the programs. VB.NET or C#
  19. I see all these people getting sources from these random programs I find on here. I want to be able to get some sources, learn off of them (not copy + paste or anything), and then build future programs that are FREE. Oh I forgot to say, does it matter alot if you program in VB.NET or C# ?
  20. Yeah hacking shouldn't involve paying for shit to do it. Hope this program turns out well.
  21. Is it possible to get the Forza 3 VIP Content on this program?
  22. It keeps making me authorize myself, I am using this again because when I used profile editor on my profile it deleted all my content.
  23. Alright good now thanks to my favorite modding site iBotModz, I won't have to pay the $60 extra for the editions. =P BTW who/what is valve?
  24. There is another picture: http://www.xbox360-content.com/Supermodder911/Images/Valhalla/13.png
  25. I have one question. When Halo: Reach officially comes out, are you going to add the content it gives you for that?
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