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Everything posted by halo3

  1. uploaded map
  2. yeah but what if they placed a hornet or something inside the ship im sure there is some way to do it
  3. hey u no i thought of this the other day, wouldn't it be cool if on sandtrap u could drive the the ship (the dawn) fly it around. Can ppl with dev kits do that? since they can drive forklifts i think u can becasue that would be cool. So if any dev modder wants to do this plz tell me becasue i would like to see it lol. B) I uploaded the map, it should work, the banshee is a frigate and instead of the name banshee it is frigate; so if there is a dev kit moder plz play and give me a vid and some credit lol PS THE MAP IS PATCHED BY PPF frigate_test.rar
  4. lol thx for bringing this back up because it is an asome glitch B)
  5. yeah but most u can
  6. can't u normaly change ur sevice tag..... just click start and go to apearence right.......
  7. my first online 1 was 7 kills and 3 deaths lol
  8. well what about a garnade, there are numerous things, and ppl cna do the numbers whats so sepecial about that? Besides since you can do the numers; its only that and the color which you could have faked; i dont think it is a dev
  9. cube mod? lol my friend who isnt a moder has those number things to on his screen in custom games if he is in local and does the lower the wepons glitch he said, so u could have just done that and thrown down a flare, and for the other 1 a power drain, whats so special about this, how is it a mod?
  10. halo3

    Mythic Map Pack

    Me please
  11. does this actuly work, did any1 get yet?
  12. can u share it with me 2? plz:)
  13. hey JIME i made a map uh i can't upload here it won't work idk, whats ur email or if u have aim want me to send it there? i sent u a message asking the same thing and it also tells what is in the map, plz play =-)
  14. anoutheer modding tut, there are so many of these out there but i guess it is good for beginers, nice pics
  15. halo3


    i got it thanks, and im using it for usermap moding, and lol its not like ur telling secrets here lol i can read
  16. idk when i tryed to put the map with the super ppf i didn't work, im sending u the map can u just use the super ppf?
  17. i no its on halomods i tried to register and i am still waiting for the activation email, and i tried to register twise and it wont work so can you please post the program here?
  18. can you post the johnson where you can make the map
  19. is that what that patch is for? how do i do it?
  20. if you can do campaign how about on halo you swap the warthog with a hornet and you make your charecter,master chief, info a flood guy and make some marines with you and play the level that would be sooo cool or at least something simalar plz do that thx =-)
  21. halo3


    hey can someone plz be kind enough to send me sandtrap 4 johnson or plz post it here
  22. hey post this on bungie.net lol that would get them soo angry lol this is sooo asome
  23. WOW thats soooo asome how did you get that?
  24. couldnt u just mod the discription to say that like just type it in in hex, whats the point of this?
  25. well then can some1 else tell how this works?
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