This is a mod on sandtrap it has a troop hog with a gun on it on it a messed up wraith a non solid frigate drop pods that come down fron the sky light poles and of cource lots of clones Here are some pics: the clones troop hog and messed up wraith non solid frigate that dropes off suplies Download: message my gamertag fredrick37
this is a new map i made here r some pics Visit My Website Visit My Website Visit My Website Visit My Website if u want the map message me my gamertag is fredrick37 ps can i just attach the map to this fourm then u xport it? this is a pix this map has 2 gauss terrets at each base and blue fog in the middle and invisable berriers on the sides so u can only go though middle for some reson i couldn't get the pics of other mods on map ps if u want it messaage me and can someone plz tell me how to get it on bungie without gettting banned?
i dont have an xsata i have an xport 360 (not sure if its the same thing) but thats good so i wont get in trouble, and dose it matter if i have an elite 360? for simple moding, clones etc.
if my xbox broke again because of red ring of death which it probale will and i moded but didn't do anything to my xbox, just made a mod on my computer and put it on my hard drive, if i sent it in would i get in trouble?
who has a dev kit and can someone help me plz, i have some moded maps but i need a dev kit to see it can someone who has a dev kit fix it for me or whatever they do and i will give you something, like my moded maps, or a mounth of xboxlive or whatever if you can help me message my gamertag its fredrick37
dose anyone have a dev kit if so plz can u help me i have snowtrap and a gametype if u play on it u have recon during the game but both need a dev kit plz help me i will show you evry mod i have and i will give you snowtrap and that gametype plz
well there is a pic on my file share, and the pic isn't modded because when you click veiw game it says the names of ppl who played on it here it is ... 2453720785