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Everything posted by halo3

  1. halo3

    campaign save

    hey i was wondering if anyone can do a campaign save for me for money, just a quick 1; the master chief is a hunter, the marines are grunts(still on my side), and the marines (that will be grunts) have rocket lunchers and this is on the storm; so how much would this cost? if u can do my aim is itemcentral and my email is itemcentral@yahoo.com
  2. thanks, and this is not random items this the unsc vs the covedent, this is very playable.
  3. MOD by ModBroz this is a vid of a halo 3 mod; rate/comment.
  4. what..... me?
  5. halo3

    halo3 beta

    ok so u can dev mod on a normal xbox with the halo 3 beta right? so i think we sould try this, that would be asome and it may open a new door for modding. So can ppl try this, and if they have how far have you gotten?
  6. sry if this double posts, but yeah they do help but u have to push them lol they will just sit if they can't get a good shot on a brute ps be4 u deactivate the sheild get 1 person in the warthog because it will dissapear if u don't. then after you deactivate it the marines will get in the warthod with you
  7. yeah there is they help you lol
  8. idk all i did was downloaded it and as soon as it was done it said trjan virus detected and removed about 3 times, mabey it was from the place i downloaded, and besides that the resigners don't even work
  9. yeah it does on my comp it said trojan virus detected and removed about 3 times..... and i am not new ps if i was you i would do i virus scan
  10. maybe; aren't you shotspartan? Hey anyway i will work on it and see if i can fix it some more.
  11. oh yeah duh sry its teh mourning im not thinking, i thought he met something else lol
  12. ok, finaly and thx lol ps if it does work can u make a vid?
  13. this program is a peice of crap, i mean the only reson it is such a big file is becasue it is full of viruses, and also nothing works in it at ALL DONT DOWNLOAD
  14. can't some1 see if it works
  15. AH HA so then how could u say my other map didn't work? well? plz its not a big file at all it is very small i will upload it 4 u, just delet when done plz. PPF_Studio_1.01b.exe
  16. ok but idk where to find it. But im sure this will work, did u try it yet?
  17. yeah sry patched with ppf-studio 1.01b to be exact
  18. picks or vids what the heck!? im trying to get them i made the mod, i dont have a dev kit though and i want to see it and make sure it works
  19. lol what the heck?! well uh... good luck with that
  20. ok with help from SotG Caboose i fixed my .map mod. So this is a banshee that is now a flyable frigate. So anyone who has a dev kit plz test this out and tell me if it works, if u can also plz make a vid for me or a pic or soemthing that would be great patched with ppf-studio 1.01b to be exact Also uploaded ppf-studio 4 ppl frigate_test2.rar PPF_Studio_1.01b.exe
  21. well i made 1
  22. try mine though, besides i made the banshee a frigate, did u just make the frigate drivable? if not mabey it worked becasue of the vehicle? idk
  23. yeah but never in halo 3
  24. yeah, so? lol its still fun i bet and no1 has done it
  25. yeah it does, try it if u have a dev
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