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Everything posted by byantine

  1. My favorite Is Dead Alive (its called Braindead in NZ and AU) its by peter jackson. It is probley one of the best and bloodiest movies ever Best Scene ever [youtube:2ttnf1c1]Tkaz_gT7mAY[/youtube:2ttnf1c1] Also best quote ever by a priest "I kick ass for the lord" then he kicks a zombie in the face.
  2. Maybe he doesnt know how to connect his GT to Bungie.net
  3. Byzantine Lamb of God Pantera Nuff' said
  4. I will show you all the ones i have if you give 800 ms points. Why dont you just connect your GT to bungie.net?
  5. Try codejunkies.com or ebay, I saw one at EBgames last summer but i dont know if they still have them. Also i recommend you get an XPORT unless your computer is right beside your xbox, because you can just take the hard drive and not the whole Console.
  6. byantine


    K, thanks now i know how.
  7. byantine


    Do you need a tut. for how to mod or how to use the XSATA? Here's one on how to mod [youtube:3u3sb2i9]GeUfvkWllgk[/youtube:3u3sb2i9]
  8. ive played something like that on foundry and i hated it, its to hard to get out of. i dont think people would like a map like that
  9. just put a link to it thats easier
  10. the pic doesnt work for me
  11. yea thats what i was planning on doing because i suck at forge. And of course i will give credit to the person who orignaly made the map
  12. Ok I am waiting for my xport to arrive so im thinking of mods i can do when i get it. I play alot of infection and one of my favorite maps is omega journey. It is where you (the humans) have to make your way through a maze of obstacals without getting killed by a zombie. Well i thought that i could make a simular map with some of the obstacles being mods. Such as a bunch of tripmines that you have to jump over or around, a whole hallway of bipeds that you have to kill to get past, and a couple other things. I just want to know would this be worth the time to make and do you have any more ideas for obstacles?
  13. The people who make it are English im sure you can find one there, Go to uk.Codejunkies.com
  14. byantine


    He probley thinks he has one cuz i dont think anyone would give him one if he does not know how to use it. and i dont think he would be able to make one if he doesnt know how to use it he probley just downloaded somthing that said it was a resigner and its a virus. I hope it Jacks up you computer
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