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Everything posted by byantine

  1. guy named steve
  2. Because other people share my interest in pie and power ranger action figures
  3. i showed some little kids i was playing infection with and they all belived i played it, i told them i worked for bungie and they all belived me. Little kids are retarded
  4. if you can find kotor it would only be like $5 but it might be hard to find. Look on ebay if you realy want it. PS. the best part of the game is you can make a chick say i love you to another chick AWESOME!!!! GO BUY IT NOW
  5. Anyone have any ideas for a good mod on ghost town, i dont want it to be just a bunch of crap everywhere. Theres not much you can do on ghost town and i cant think of anything to make. If anyone has any ideas please tell me, Thanks.
  6. cool, good vid but i couldent hear what the other guy was saying
  7. her free thx
  8. it would be cool bot you suck at forge. Good idea though
  9. nevermind i found a very helpful video and i fixed it Heres the video [youtube:35ms9hfe]5mVjVXZtOms[/youtube:35ms9hfe]
  10. ive been doing that since it broke sometimes it works when i push on the tray and sometimes is doesnt does anyone have a more permenent solution. thanks
  11. why dont you do it yourself its not that hard. if you realy want it that bad learn how to mod.
  12. had no @$#%!$
  13. sex buddies forever
  14. i like cloverfield it was kinda short though
  15. made a sandwich
  16. KOTOR is the best game eva ive played it for 1200 hours kotor 2 kinda sucked, it wasent made by the same people. There are rumers there might be a 3rd one and it might be a MMO. PS. i am a huge star wars geek, not the 2nd trilogy though they sucked the original movies are awesome.
  17. I just wasted 6 bucks but then i got it back because i sneaked into the hulk. DO NOT SEE THIS MOVIE!!! M Night shamalamadingdong should kill himself WARNING IF YOU STILL WANT TO SEE THIS STOP READING HERE SPOILER AHEAD the movie is about everyone killing themselves because plants let out a chemical that told them to kill themselfs. yeah its as retarded as it sounds. the only cool thing in this movie is a guy lets lions eat his arms off. DONT SEE THIS MOVIE
  18. heres some pie
  19. My tray wont open so i cant put games in, anyone know how to help without opening the xbox or sending it in to MS? For now the only thing i can play is halo 3 because its in the tray.
  20. whats the pic of?
  21. LOL, 2 cubic tons i love that vid. HEY LOOK WHAT I FOUND!
  22. 28 days later was good but 28 weeks later kinda sucked
  23. Shawn of the dead and dawn of the dead are both awesome ive seen them both like 15 times but if you see dead alive you will understand why its the best. the main character gets rebirthed by his mother who turns into a giant, disgusting, zombie thing. also the zombies are cause by a monkey.
  24. 300 liters of blood just in that scene its a worl record (im not lieing look on wikipedia)
  25. My favorite Is Dead Alive (its called Braindead in NZ and AU) its by peter jackson. It is probley one of the best and bloodiest movies ever Best Scene ever [youtube:kwyvq4r6]Tkaz_gT7mAY[/youtube:kwyvq4r6] Also best quote ever by a priest "I kick ass for the lord" then he kicks a zombie in the face.
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