My favorite Is Dead Alive (its called Braindead in NZ and AU) its by peter jackson. It is probley one of the best and bloodiest movies ever Best Scene ever [youtube:2ttnf1c1]Tkaz_gT7mAY[/youtube:2ttnf1c1] Also best quote ever by a priest "I kick ass for the lord" then he kicks a zombie in the face.
Try or ebay, I saw one at EBgames last summer but i dont know if they still have them. Also i recommend you get an XPORT unless your computer is right beside your xbox, because you can just take the hard drive and not the whole Console.
Ok I am waiting for my xport to arrive so im thinking of mods i can do when i get it. I play alot of infection and one of my favorite maps is omega journey. It is where you (the humans) have to make your way through a maze of obstacals without getting killed by a zombie. Well i thought that i could make a simular map with some of the obstacles being mods. Such as a bunch of tripmines that you have to jump over or around, a whole hallway of bipeds that you have to kill to get past, and a couple other things. I just want to know would this be worth the time to make and do you have any more ideas for obstacles?
He probley thinks he has one cuz i dont think anyone would give him one if he does not know how to use it. and i dont think he would be able to make one if he doesnt know how to use it he probley just downloaded somthing that said it was a resigner and its a virus. I hope it Jacks up you computer