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LXV Grizzly

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Everything posted by LXV Grizzly

  1. LXV Grizzly

    Best rapper

    That is not a rapper...
  2. I use Forge 2.5 to mod it, and then CONcept to resign/rehash it. Works for me, but make sure that nobody in the film is wearing Mark VI, Ive also heard that if films are to long they dont work properly, but Im not sure about that one.
  3. Your sure this isnt just your theme...? If its not that then Idk what you could do except do a clean install.
  4. Its actually a map to take screenshots on, its not modded and its not MLG. If you can find any blackout screenshot map it oculd be it. But if you can find it id really appreciate it.
  5. Im looking for a blackout map, that is made to take pictures. It was originally made by Strongside or something, but if anyone could find it or pm me a link to it, or just the usermap that would be sooo awesome, id plus rep you on IPB3.
  6. Nice job, I'm not trying to undermine what you did, but there is already a Print Scrn/SysRq button. Nice job though.
  7. Ill do it, Whats your gamertag? Ill send you a FR and we can do it pronto.
  8. What are these good for?
  9. I have a 16 GB one, so this wont work for me, thanks though, this should help a lot of people.
  10. One word replies should only be discouraged if they dont answer the question.
  11. It may take 12 hours depending on how long it took him to find the button and decide to push it in. lol jk jk What was wrong with it?
  12. Your opinion is wrong.
  13. LXV Grizzly


    Just from the previews it looks over the top. Im not too keen on the father being all "I have a very special set of skills". To me it just looks like another over the top hollywood movie, but idk I havent seen it yet, I havent heard much bad about it so I might give it a chance.
  14. There was, it just wasnt on the top of the list very long.
  15. Playstation Consoles Handhelds, Ipod/Zune Hardly any activity in any of those.
  16. I never got to know you, but from all these nice comments you must have done your job pretty well. Glad to see your staying and hope to see you around the forums.
  17. Congrats to both of you, couldnt think of anybody who deserves it more. Im really looking forward to some of these changes in IPB3. Also, besides the color, whats the differance between Sub-Amin and Global Mod? ( power wise)
  18. LXV Grizzly


    Hey , just wondering what your favorite Linux System was and which one you think is the best.
  19. If I delete all my partitions, could I install it?
  20. I heard 10 days later, but I cannot verify that. I wonder what type of forge techniques will be available.
  21. Yeah, I really like profile pages, but no one looks at them now. Hopefully this will make it a lot more popular.
  22. Would getting a Home Edition XP with SP3 work?
  23. I am trying to do a clean install with Windows XP Home Edition (with SP2). Everytime I try to boot the CD from BIOS it says that Windows detected a problem and could not continue. When I install from My Computer it say that I cannot continue with the Installation process becuase "The version of Windows you are currently running on your computer is newer than the Windows on the CD." I am running SP3, is there any way that I can downgrade back to SP2 or would getting XP Home Edition with SP3 work? Thanks!
  24. Yeah, Im glad there is OS stuff somewhere around here, but it just has a lot of dead links and such.
  25. Im sure you guys are busy, but theres also a lot of dead links in the operating systems tab, (at least the xp home edition ones).
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