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Everything posted by SmokiestGrunl

  1. Well..... Australians don't even have Thanks giving.
  2. Well, I've read everything on iBotModz. Other than that I hate reading.
  3. Learn hex, learn it so well its a second language and you can read that of by heart.
  4. I found out that my idea has been done once before, but you have to pay to use it so I'm still going ahead with mine.
  5. Welcome to the internet.
  6. Sounds like its going to be a great Machinima but I probably wont be able to help sorry.
  7. The ending for number one, omg lol!
  8. No. There are two reasons why. 1. Peaches wouldn't accept an affiliate of such nature. 2. Its not original.
  9. Already done B)
  10. Its magic, I dunno if I'm allowed to release the confidential information .
  11. Ok the file contains the worm. It may be encrypted and bound with other harmful things or there is nothing wrong with it because only one scanner found it. Either way I'm not using.
  12. Added a scan. There is 1 detected problem but it isn't bad.
  13. Bumping and Double posting is ok when there is a reason. Its things like: "I think this is sweet!" and then the next post is by the same person "Oh I almost forgot, I'm downloading now." that is a no no.
  14. Yeah the Australian school year is the same as a year. We have our big school break over Xmas.
  15. I am creating a forum that is so awesome that its just the greatest thing on the internet. Don't worry, I will remain active on this forum and I will always put ibotmodz as my number one priority. The forum that I am creating has nothing to do with this forum so don't worry about that. I will be applying for affiliate when the forum is done. About the forum: Can't tell . As far as I know this idea is so awesome no one else has ever done it. I may do something like bungie and slowly leak info . When will it be done: Hopefully soon. I just need to transfer $224 onto my credit card (Fattwam: ) Well I'm of to do some work. Oops, was that leaked info No it wasn't
  16. Ok here is my latest advertising stunt. I rang up for some fish and chip and I put my order name as ibotmodz.net The person probably wont join but oh well
  17. I love wearing dresses!
  18. This should so be released, then everyone can do it and Microsoft can be like "Ah noes we fails again!"
  19. Not bad. Only thing that make it look bad is that over the left of him the like is going diagonal. And to the right its going more down.
  20. What you need: Xbox 1 Ftp access to the box Modded dash Xored trainer launcher If you need help setting up xored post a help topic and you'll get help faster.
  21. Well everyday I find two ads and click on them (because I am "interested" in the ad ). I saw one called "Black Halo" and I though I would post it because its so awesome. Linkage
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