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Everything posted by SmokiestGrunl

  1. Every time I click on a notepad file I get an error. It will work if I right click and go "open with -> notepad".
  2. Give me the exact name and version or it and I'll get some tuts for you.
  3. Its cool, but you have a mistake. The string from the leg on the ground should be going be hide her leg that is up.
  4. I owned Loco Roco, finished the game completely.
  5. Number 2. You just made me realize how good the bass is on my headset, my head was rumbling.
  6. Report his post or wait for me to read his post. Before any moderator acks on a post we need to keep in mind that there are many people on this site with different ages and intellectual levels. We then need to decide if they are trying to add something to the site or just spamming. Also I know exatly what your talking about I have to delete many of his posts because they were just not needed.
  7. Red, but my blue colour is cool too.
  8. This is the only site I am active on. But nice work anyway.
  9. As far as I know you can't. You can place it in the position of a map but it won't have AI I don't think and you wont be able to play the story line.
  10. We already have a post like this but anyway mines Telstra.
  11. SmokiestGrunl


    Whats a sharpie?
  12. You posted this 3 times in different sections and each time you posted in the wrong section. I'll move it to the right section. I have no idea what is wrong. Are you getting the downloads from iBotModz? Edit: Dam peaches got in before me.
  13. SmokiestGrunl


    oh ok well if Your making him one I wont bother.
  14. WMM just doesn't have enough features for me. Also I have to do an assignment for Media. He teacher acused me of using WMM and I said I used Sony Vegas and she said that was fine because I need to use a programme that is of industry standed. Basicly what I am trying to say is that WMM is not at and industry level.
  15. Acting like this does not help the situation, your actions are also no better than his. He is allowed to have his input (No matter how stupid they my seem).
  16. Wrong section and I think this is only an attempt to get VIP but I leave it anyway.
  17. Thats awesome! I am Baptized but I don't believe in god and I don't think there is anything after life, which is pretty sad cause I love my life .
  18. Hello marielle, Welcome to the site. I am glad to hear you are already making friends and already learning things. Mod is short for modification. From, SmokiestGrunl
  19. SmokiestGrunl


    If no one else has made you a gift by the time I get home I'll make you one .
  20. I haven't been on in a while too, but when I do go back on I'll add you for sure.
  21. You have to cold boot your xbox. Cold boot means you start the xbox with a disk inside the disk drive.
  22. You can do what ever you want.
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