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Everything posted by SmokiestGrunl

  1. Thanks for your help anyway.
  2. Its a tag for a set of things within the game. In Halo 2 there were tags like "wep" which is where all the weapons were, "proj" thats where all the projectiles for the guns were. Hope that clears things up a bit, you may understand more when the list is completed. Please tell me if you still don't understand.
  3. I just realized you posted 3 times in a row, edit your posts next time or you will be banned.
  4. I'm talking about halo 2 not halo 3, how do I take pictures in Halo 2? Also if there is no way to take Halo 2 pictures on a Xbox 360 I just have to go buy a cheap xbox.
  5. optimus prime has nothing to do with it, its the only mask he has laying around. Pretend he is master cheif and you'll get it.
  6. Its not happening with other programs and I don't see a virus setting out to kill my notepad (correct me if I'm wrong).
  7. Its worth a try. Also links don't work in rl they only work on computers .
  8. I have made a poster that I play on putting around my town but there is some space left and I don't know what else to add, I was think a picture, but of what? Its attached to my post if you want to download and add to it. The font is also attached if you don't have it. If you think the text should be changed or the colour should be feel free to do so, but upload to the site again so i can see the changes.
  9. Ok, also can i have the mod that was in another language cuz I might be able to get it translated.
  10. It happens with every file not just that one, that one was just and example.
  11. Thanks Peaches this the tutorial you followed?
  12. It happens with all notepads. Started happening recently. No. Notpad works if I don't try and hope a file.
  13. OMFG I am giving you the entertainment award. That is the funiest s*** I have seen in a long time. "b****!...... I LOVE YOU!!"
  14. Lol thanks for your support.
  15. What you mean its not posabbly? I have made animations with photoshop.
  16. Ok so I have been outta the 360 modding seen since I got mine I havn't bothered to catch up. Is their a way to take photos of halo 2 maps like there was for xbox using yelo. I know there is the photodump thing but I don't know if that can get the job done....? Any help would be great.
  17. All finished. I personal learnt alot while I was posting this. The hardest part was trying to sort out the 36 attachments 4 more attachments and I would of used up all my attachment space . Anyway I hope this post is useful.
  18. This is what I will be hading in for my Flim and Television (media) assignment. I personaly think I am going to fail. [youtube:16akl6l6]35iJbE7nYus[/youtube:16akl6l6] Any feed back would be great. I have until monday till I have to hand it in so I can still make changes if needed.
  19. Wow thats a mager glitch. How that let that one make it to the final game lol.
  20. Get a new graphics card whats the one you got now?
  21. Can someone please tell me what software i need to capture video? A step by step tutorial would be great thanks.
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