Mass Effect Title: Mass Effect Genre: Action RPG Platform: PC Developer: Demiurge Studios Publisher: Electronic Arts Release Date: 06-Jun-2008 (Released) -About "Mass Effect" will deliver an immersive, story-driven gameplay experience presented in a cinematic style with high production values, extraordinary levels of visual fidelity, incredible exploration and realistic digital actors. Players assume the role of an elite human Spectre agent, Commander Shepard, entrusted with keeping law and order in the galaxy. As they discover and explore the uncharted edges of the galaxy, they come closer to an overwhelming truth -- learning that the placid and serene universe they know is about to come to a violent end and that they are the only being who can stop it. -Screenshots
Well yes I tried GFX again, look out your eyes may fall out when you look at this one. I got the name disruption from a random word website. Here it is:-
Just for education purpose: When a word ends with a 'y' and you a word plural. You get ride of the 'y' and add 'ies'. Party = Parties Bully = Bullies Pony = Ponies Canary = Canaries Spy = Spies But! if the word has a vowel before the final 'y' then you just add an 's'. Hope that helps.
I have changed your title to something that represents the post better. I have also used Sony Vegas and think it is great. I have heard alot about Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects. PS: Thanks for putting me in your respect list .
Its nice to see that you are using the topic tags but you only need "support" if you are in need of support. But I suggest for all begginers that just want to make there own site.