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L337 Box

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Everything posted by L337 Box

  1. thats a cool pic but where is that sign located?
  2. 70 farming is going to be a pain.
  3. lol im about to do it
  4. i liked the GeoMerging and interlocking even though i havent seen this map in h2 before i still think it looks good. ill dl
  5. i kind of skimmed through the halo 2 section and i didn't find them so i guess i will have to post them just incase nobody knows them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Delayed Reload: Hold R, X (Off-host). At the beginning of the magazine of your rifle, hold fire and press X for the first shot, then you can fire a few rounds before it auto-reloads. If you learn the timing and press x every first shot, you can keep going without reloading. With the Shotgun you can do this all the time, after fired rounds it will reload till it's full and you can fire whenever you want. Note 1 - Many people combine this with the quick reload (X, B, X). Note 2 - Many people use this in the form (B, R, X), making it a melee fire which reloads afterwards. Note 3 - Only works Off-host. Quick Reload: X,Y,Y or X,B,X After a certain time in a reload animation, the weapon is reloaded, pressing Y,Y, enables you to fire again. This also works to cancel out the swords 'reload time' since there is a period of waiting after a sword lunge. If you don't have a secondary weapon (Y,Y is switch back and forth), then press X and after the weapon is reloaded press B to melee and X to cancel it again. You can also Hit Reload and when you pull the magazine out and put the new in, just as you put it in melee and it will have a full magazine. Grenade Reload: X,L If you have shot a few rounds out of your magazine already and you want to reload and shoot at the same time, then press L, then quickly press X while doing the reload animation and then just keep shooting the rounds you have left in your magazine while the gun reloads at the same time. Note - Works only when you are not host of a multiplayer game, due to communication error towards the host. Double Melee: B,X,B or B,Y,B or B,L,B* As soon as your melee has hit your opponent and the damage is done, you can cancel the rest of the animation with X and melee again. If you have a secondary weapon you can also press Y between melees to switch and melee with your secondary, or go for a Y, Y to melee with your primary weapon again (The Energy sword and Brute Shot have much stronger melee attacks than other weapons). BxR: B,X,R or B,Y,Y, R BxR is a somewhat-complicated move that can be used with any weapon within Halo 2. The procedure involved has the player pressing the buttons, "B, X, R" in rapid succession, causing a melee attack instantly followed by round(s) from whatever weapon the user is holding. This move is most often used in Team Hardcore by those experienced with the Battle Rifle, where it becomes an immensely effective combat type, for the strike will first take down shields, and if aimed right can provide an instant kill. MeleeFire: B,X,R or B,Y,Y,R As soon as your melee has hit your opponent and the damage is done, you can cancel the rest of the animation with X and open fire again. If done optimal it will seem like a melee and shot at the same time. To be done with a full magazine or using Y,Y instead of X when not. Strangely enough, you will automatically get a full magazine some time after a BXR, even if you shoot. Also works with sniper, but preferably press X before the melee hits so you are still moving towards your opponent and can get a clean snipe. Note - When you don't have ammo to reload your battle rifle, you can keep doing B,X,R On a second note when using the Battle Rifle you must have a full magazine. Attempting a B,X,R with any ammunition missing will cause a shot and reload, failing in the attempt of the attack. however, if all of you ammo is expended except for the currently loaded magazine (you have no more ammo to reload, only what is in the gun) you can BXR constantly (until the magazine is expended) Quick Switch: Y, YY or Y,B,Y,Y or Y,B,X If you want to be the faster comboer after releasing a plasma bolt, just switch, melee and switch switch (or cancel melee by pressing X) and you'll be able to fire a split second before you combo-opposition can. Also Y, wait, YY works. Note - All rifles allow you to fire straight after the Quick Switch and Quick Reload, but all heavy weapons can fire just as soon as they usually can even though the animation finished. Cancel Reload: X,Y,Y or B During reload you might decide to want to open fire again, press Y,Y before the weapon has reloaded and you can continue fire with the ammo left unless your magazine has no ammo left. Melee Stick: RT,X,L To preform a "Melee Stick" , Firstly you must have an energy sword and at least one plasma grenade. Then, while you are lunging at an enemy with the energy sword( RT ), Cancel it using ( X ) and stick your opponent using the ( LT )button. if done correctly , you will be able to get an easy stick on your opponents. Overheat Grenade: Charge, R, Y, L. When you release a plasma bolt after the pistol is charged and released, you can hit Y and L quickly after each other and the grenade will fly without its throwing animation. It especially helps if you missed the plasma shot because your opponent takes cover behind a wall. After the grenade is thrown, there is a small time you cannot shoot, but doing a cancel reload (Y,Y) fixes that. This does not work on Halo 3. An alternative way to do this is to Get a Sentinel Beam. Get a Frag grenade (plasma may work). Fire the Sentinel beam until it overheats. Wait one second, then throw your frag grenade. The frag grenade will sail ahead, without the animation. Double Grenade: Charge, R, pause,L, L When you release a plasma bolt after the pistol is charged or when another plasma weapon has overheated (Beam Rifle, Plasma Rifle) wait one second and press L, L in order to throw two grenades rapidly after each other. With the right timing you can throw them almost at the same time. You can also set traps with this, deliberately missing a plasma shot, then surprising your opponents with a rain of grenades. You can switch back to your secondary weapon, but only after the first grenade is thrown. The Dual Grenade is a trick that uses the picking up and dropping of dual wieldable weapons to cancel the time intersection between two grenade throws. It is possible to be combined with the Double Grenade. Basically you stand on a dual wieldable weapon, holding a dual wieldable weapon, then press L to throw your first grenade, hold Y to pick up the dual wieldable weapon, B to melee and throw the weapon away and L to grenade again. With default settings the button combo should be L,Y,B,L. ^Note: This trick can also be used in combination with the Double Grenade, using the plasma pistol as the first dual wieldable weapon for a deathtrap of three grenades^ Double Fire: R,R,X Quickly press the Right Trigger, then as soon as you have your trigger released, quickly squeeze it again and this time hold. Quickly after the controller has registered the start of the holding, press X in order to have the two shots burst out at the same time or rapidly follow each other. Timing is crucial as there is about 1/10th of a second to do so and within that second the pace of the shots is also determined. You will know it's successful when you see no reloading animation, instead having a full magazine again with 6 bullets less. You can also cancel the actual reloading by the Cancel Reload, but more useful is to Double fire and then instantly throw a grenade to cancel the reloading as this also seems to be the quickest way to get damage across a map or to a opponent. Instant death: R,R,Y,B or B,X,R The Instant Death button combo is currently the hardest combo to pull off, but also the quickest way to kill someone with a Battle Rifle or Sniper Rifle. Stand in front of them and aim at his/her head, then by pressing R,R,Y,B quickly you will first fire one shot, then switch, melee and fire the second shot. The melee is to be pressed when you see the secondary weapon model. You could use the B,X,R, but with this trick you will always do damage, because of the first shot and on top of that you can do it with a not-full magazine. Suicide shot: R,R,Y (secondary weapon) When you press R,R,Y (all quickly after each other, the results of the button pressing comes later) and move forward the following happens. You will fire one shot, then switch to your other weapon and then fire another shot. If you have moved forward during the button sequence, the second burst will hit you, because it will still come from the place where you pressed the second R. The message "Killed by the Guardians" will appear and you will not lose a point. Note - MLG prohibits this. All Information above was received from HaloPedia, the Halo Wiki
  6. yea i guess if its a 'First Mod' then its ok but in the future make it more playable because randoms arent the 'IN' thing now
  7. what if i just said i knew a bungie employee that could get him recon?
  8. if i said i was a bungie employee and somebody said they would give me 1600 msp for recon would i get banned if i didnt give it to them?
  9. 49 - TD 47 - TS 45 - LW 33 - OBJ 30 - H2H 35 - MLG 35 - SWAT 30 - RBTB w00t.
  10. 5k Ftw?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  11. i think ive been here since like May O_o? i originally came here for h3 modz but now thats just an extra bonus
  12. yea if you are really patient then you can pay about 4m for it by only buying willows
  13. Guide to 99 FireMaking Table of Contents • 1.0 - Introduction • 2.0 - Logs Information • 3.0 - Place to Train • 4.0 - Tips • 5.0 - Frequently Asked Questions 1.0 - Introduction » If you've ever wanted a 99 stat or just want some levels or experience to bump you up on the Highscores, Firemaking is the skill for you. It's not only a simple skill, it's also comes with a pretty cape . I'll warn you ahead of time though; if you don't have a lot of patience, this will be a huge challenge. In my opinion though, it's well worth it. Here you will find my tips and tricks. That's right, tips and tricks from a real person that has actually experienced 99 Firemaking. And remember, it will be all worth it. http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/99firemakingcapegratznn1.png 2.0 - Logs and Experience The types of logs you choose will be crucial to the amount of money you spend and the amount of time you spend on the skill. Here, I will show you the experience tables and the estimated price for the types of logs you want and need. »Logs http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/NormalLogs.jpg Level Required: 1 Experience: 40 Members: No Side Notes: You can either cut these on your own or buy them yourself. Immediately go to oaks at Level 15. It will take 61 logs. Price Graph: http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/logsgraphfu9.gif »Oak Logs http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/OakLogs.jpg Level Required: 15 Experience: 60 Members: No Side Notes: Buy these. It takes quite a bit to get Level 30, so I wouldn't recommend cutting your own. After 30, go straight to Willows. It will take 184 logs to get to 30. Price Graph: http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/logsoakgraphqk1.gif »Willow Logs http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/Willowlogs.jpg Level Required: 30 Experience: 90 Members: No Side Notes: Unless you plan on Firemaking and Woodcutting for YEARS, you need to buy all your logs from here on out. I got to about Level 70 through these, buying all of them. It's also an option to get 99 from these, although it's EXTREMELY SLOW and I would NOT recommend it. On the bright side, however, it is the cheapest way to 99. It takes 536 logs to get to level 45; 2,894 to level 60; 13,302 to 75; and 144,680 to 99. Price Graph: http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/logswillowgraphna4.gif »Maple Logs http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/MapleLogs.jpg Level Required: 45 Experience: 135 Members: No Side Notes: This is probably the most popular way to 99 Firemaking. They're easy, affordable, and not overwhelming. It takes 1,573 logs to 60; 8,511 to 75; and 96,097 to 99. Price Graph: http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/logsmaplegraphqp0.png »Yew Logs http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/YewLogs.jpg Level Required: 60 Experience: 202.5 Members: No Side Notes: Personally, if you have the money don't use the cash on these (unless you are Free to Play and want a better option than Maples). They're good and fast, but not that much better than Maples. You'll save a bundle staying away from these. It takes 4,627 logs to level 75 and 63,017 logs to 99. Price Graph: http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/logsyewgraphal6.gif »Magic Logs http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/MagicLogs.jpg Level Required: 75 Experience: 303.8 Members: Yes Side Notes: These are the best logs you can use in Firemaking. Unfortunately, they come at a price- a very high price. If you have enough money and want 99 Firemaking quick, these are a good option. At 303.8 experience per log, you gain 8,202.6 experience per load. That means at just 10 loads you gain 82,026 experience! From 75, it's a mere 38,921 logs to 99! Price Graph: http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/logsmagicgraphcp2.gif 3.0 - The Spots This is probably the most important part of Firemaking. Your spots help determine how long it takes for you to achieve a Firemaking level, and how much effort you have to put into it. In this part of the guide I will list every possible place I know to show you where you can achieve your goals to become a master Firemaker. »Falador East Bank You can get here by teleporting to Falador (37 Magic required) or walking here (it's west of Varrock). I got several levels here. It's a pretty good spot with many benefits. Here, even if someone else comes along, there are many lanes that you can use. http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/firemakingfallynl0.png »Al Kharid Duel Arena This is another great spot. You can get here by teleporting with the Ring of Duelling or walking from Lumbridge and using the Toll Gate. I know a lot of people who achieved 99 Firemaking here, and I gained a few levels from it. There are two major spots. http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/firemakingalkharidtf5.png »The Grand Exchange This seems to be a popular spot nowadays. Lately I've met many people who've recently got 99 Firemaking here. It seems like a great spot, and it's very convenient for buying logs. There are 4 good spots here, which is also a plus. The only problem is that almost every world I've checked, someone is already there. http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/firemakinggrandexchangeux1.pnghttp://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/firemakinggrandexchangele1.png »Varrock West Bank This is where I got most of my levels. It's definately my favorite spot (when it's not busy). I stayed here from about 85-99. There are 3 spots to try, but I recommend the top one and bottom one in the picture. You can get every log in these lanes, whereas in the second lane you have to move up to light a single log. http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/firemakingvarrockkp0.png »The Rogue's Den This is also another popular spot. It's another great spot, and I went from 70-85 here. This is a great spot, but seems to be a bit more crowded than Varrock. http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/firemakingroguesdeneq0.png 4.0 - Tips and Tricks So far in the guide I have given you almost all I can. Almost. In this section, I will give you the last tips and tricks that can help you in the long run with Firemaking. »Positioning Your Bank One of the best things you can do during Firemaking is putting your logs in the top right corner of your bank. This means that there's no more bank scrolling for you, and you can easily remember where your logs are and access them quickly! http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/firemakingbankwl5.png »The "Startup" Starting up is your enemy. You don't want to have to do this at all more than once in one inventory of logs. It wastes time and is your enemy. http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/firemakingnonoza7.png »Clanchat This is a big help. It can keep you from having to keep starting up after everytime you have to send a reply back to your friend via PM. Personally, I used Clanchat to talk to my friends while Firemaking. It was convenient, and I never had to start up. http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/clanchatck8.png »Pyrelords(46 Summoning) and Forge Regents(76 Summoning) Although I haven't heard much about these (or even used them for that matter), I have done some research, and thanks to evil dog191, I have learned that these count as a tinderbox, and give 10 experience bonus per log you light. This could mean a significant amount of time taken away from you to get 99 Firemaking! To light a log, just use it on them. (Note: You cannot do this at the Grand Exchange due to the fact that familiars cannot go in there.) http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/pyrelordja1.gifhttp://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/forgeregentms4.gif »Quests • Quests that include Firemaking experience include: • Heroes' Quest- 1575 experience • Darkness of Hallowvale- 2000-6000 experience (Tome of Experience) • A Fairy Tale Part II- 2500 experience (Lamp) • An Enlightened Journey- 4000 experience • The Great Brain Robber- 5000 experience (Blessed Lamp) • King's Ransom- 5000 experience • Enakhra's Lament- 7000 experience • One Small Favour- 10,000 to 20,000 (Two lamps granting 10,000 experience each to a skill above 30) • As a First Resort- 15,000 experience • Recipe for Disaster (Lamp can be used on a skill over 50) 5.0 - Frequently.Asked.Questions Q: Can you tell me how much experience per hour I will gain with each log? » A: No, I'm sorry, I cannot. Due to the fact that the experience per hour depends on the commitment of the player and how fast their internet is, the experience could vary greatly. I wouldn't want to lead someone in the wrong direction. Q: What Logs you think is best for me to get 99? »A. Burn Willow from Level 30 until 85 and Buy Maples and burn til 99
  14. Pictures are broken. please fix i wanna see what it looks like
  15. keep posting glitch tuts, i subbed to you on YouTube i havent seen any of these before
  16. yea it works pretty good im keeping it only one problem though, the white words arent showing up 'Total Level' 'Join iBotModz' and 'Average'. still works other than that.
  17. looks pretty good i'll test it out. EDIT: so it just shows you ( based on what your total lvl is ) what most of your skills levels are?
  18. wow that was amazing, i really cant wait for it to come out.
  19. i've never seen that second one before but you can be sure im going to try it, good job
  20. can you get banhamzord off xbox live if you do this? if you do, then i would rather not try this.
  21. Didn't this just recently come out? i'll be sure to try it
  22. and even if someone should give you a 1 month code or 48 hr they should NEVER post to where everybody can see it, always send in a pm because first person who sees it takes it.
  23. oh okay, thanks
  24. ○_O so i have to redo whole post?
  25. Valhalla http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/thumb-vh1a.jpg http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/thumb-vh2a.jpg http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/thumb-vh3a.jpg http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/thumb-vh4a.jpg http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/thumb-vh5a.jpg http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/thumb-vh6a.jpg http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/thumb-vh7a.jpg http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/thumb-vh8a.jpg http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/thumb-vh9a.jpg http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/thumb-vh10a.jpg http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/thumb-vh11a.jpg http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/thumb-vh12a.jpg http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/thumb-vh13a.jpg http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/thumb-vh14a.jpg http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/thumb-vh15a-1.jpg
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