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Everything posted by iBotPeaches

  1. Yeah, but already after playing for a few weeks I can't go into a single game without them because the game feels like its a snail's pace. Also, most the forge pieces are just generally bigger than before. Usually in Halo 3 you would run out of the large boxes and have to use tiny blocks, but in Reach every object is huge with the exception of some tiny blocks. I think I'd remove Jet-pack and evade if I make my next map, because both the abilities just open up maps in ways you wouldn't imagine. Especially if you time the jump right after evading. Its like a superjump.
  2. Browse some of these. Very good motherboards at both sites. http://www.intel.com/products/desktop/motherboard/classic.htm http://usa.asus.com/ProductGroup2.aspx?PG_ID=mKyCKlQ4oSEtSu5m
  3. Yep newegg all the way. But new motherboard. Forget that one.
  4. We need more banner ideas? Have anything to add?
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. jmdalmighty


      ^jk but seriously are u even using any of these ideas sence u havnt replyd the status sence it was posted
    3. Rogue Modder
    4. Lockon
  5. I guess with all the rolls, evades, jetpacks and sprints it makes it very difficult to make a small map. Look at this map for example. Most parts are longer, bigger, and higher than normal. This is an amazing remake, as I tried to create a tiny map just like Lockout and its near impossible with all the large walls your given. You have to spend 90% of the time in phased mode trying to blend objects together. Good job.
  6. Not much of a spoiler, but there is an ODST map in Reach.
  7. Very nice. Thank you.
  8. Loved this map, and to hear there is a new version is great. I'm going to try it after some food. If my memory is right, the shotgun was untouched on the original version, and this version says its been updated New thing to try
  9. Best one that was banned. (couldn't find better quality) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNuRQmvykwk&feature=related
  10. Courtesy of Eaton from rework3d.
  11. If I had a nice car, I'd drive really fast.
  12. Yep, maybe the system can't comprehend Canadian English.
  13. Old host, which is why I moved to you. I believe there was some insecurity involved with them.
  14. That is alot.
  15. Is rework3d loading for anyone else? http://rework3d.com/ Shows some encoding error for me in Firefox.
  16. Locked for reasons stated above.
  17. Yeah. Enjoy my cpanel and then proceed to upload 10 shells into random portions of my file system. As of now I believe the hack was done via a poor hosting setup. If it was in IPB, there would be more sites down. None of my other sites on this server have any dynamic (php) backend, so it cannot be them. Unless you delete the records from the logs, (which I would have known) you never got access to my ACP. You just were changing random values in the sql database so you gave the appearance of changing user's usernames.
  18. Because the file is like 140mb and that would rip my server apart. I don't have that app anymore. So I cannot help. This one will do the trick though: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/topic/12239-halo-2-aio-112-unique-programs/
  19. I have a TV with a cable box for a reason. I pay for that. Now, I'm forced to pay more for stuff I won't use. Until the xbox has TV qualities the same as my cable box, I won't use it.
  20. The original Red Alert, and the 2nd Age of the Empires. Forgot all these new games.
  21. Modding on live puts a bad name towards modders. I hope its not true.
  22. If its in ISO form there are couple of programs you can use. You could try wx360 and try and explore the ISO http://gael360.free.fr/wx360.php You could try PowerISO and try to explore it. (full version required)
  23. No no. There was lots of downtime on the previous server, so we moved to your server.
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