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Everything posted by iBotPeaches

  1. You never want to have a program like this that communicates to a server to modify a database, unless you use a middle man (server php script). Its just calling "hack me and steal my username and password authentication"
  2. Yeah, used it during the beta. Works great. The largest drive I have in right now is 500gb. Will have to try some larger drives. Good work.
  3. yes buy a game that is identical to the previous 7
  4. iBotPeaches v5
  5. Did you even try the code I posted? It grabs the entire HTML block of the image including the < a href > and blah blah what not. So you just need to pull the URL out of that via regex. Google for that.
  6. The code I gave you works. You just need to write regex to pull the URL out of the variable "url", as its actual the
  7. It seems the recaptcha code has changed. if (images.GetAttribute("OuterHtml").Contains("http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/image?")) { string url = images.GetAttribute("OuterHtml"); break; } That would work, but then you'll need to create some regex to pull the correct stuff out of that url var. It seems recaptcha is changing, but no offense this topic is like 3 years old.
  8. http://i46.tinypic.com/24yweac.jpg Looks like Skyrim to me.
  9. O, so his melee doesn't hurt you unless your above him. I'm afraid I have no clue about that.
  10. So his bounding radius is being reported correctly? as you can melee but its not registered?
  11. Robert will fix it soon. Its free, give him a break
  12. Don't forget the. "We can ban for anything, amend our rules month(s) later and then say that was the reason for the ban."
  13. If I know my systems well enough, there is no software patch that can fix this. This is too low level in the boot.
  14. I asked an owner of a pre-released game via Xbox Live to leak it to the world. In all honesty, I knew he wouldn't and I was just messing around. The next 2 days that occurred though is unbelievable and just worth telling. For those unaware your Xbox Live account is actually a Windows Live account which also has the ability to be part of -MSDN -Dreamspark -Windows Messenger -SkyDrive -Outlook Mail -MicrosoftStore -Bungie.com Forums and a lot more. Lets follow the steps of my account. 1) Microsoft first banned me till year 9999 per... "This email is to notify you that your Xbox LIVE account privileges have been permanently suspended due to attempts to extract account information from other playersand/or attempts to use the Xbox LIVE service for commercial purposes. This conduct was discovered in your profile, your activities, and/or your communications." In my defense, no where in that statement does it say. "Asking another member to commit a crime can result in a complete Microsoft account deletion" 2) Their ToS change. The next day I sign into Xbox Live on my brothers account to check if I got him banned. O wait. I have to approve a new ToS. So Microsoft updated their ToS sometime after suspending me (probably adding in something which gives them the ability to ban me). 3) I wake up and my Windows 8 Release Preview computer says, "You are signing in locally because the remote Windows Live account couldn't be found". Tried to sign into passport.net and got "That Microsoft account doesn't exist. Enter a different email address or get a new account." So thats great. My entire Windows 8 computer with synced settings is just gone. Since Windows 8 syncs settings back to the Cloud, I lost my entire personalized computer. Seems like an evasion of privacy. 4) I wonder how my Halo 4 preorder is doing. O wait. My account doesn't exist. Can't even check on my order. 5) My SkyDrive account (which hosts a ton of my school files) just gone. Couldn't even find a local storage of the files on my computer. Could be my fault, but either way. Just lost a ton of school related files. 6) My MSN Messenger. Over 500 friends that I've met over 7 years just gone. No way to redirect them, account just missing. 7) I try a password reset. Account doesn't exist. I try a recovery your account by passing information to Microsoft. The response 20 hours later. "We have determined the Microsoft account ibotpeaches@******* does not exist. This is normally caused by an account being set to inactive, the account was deleted, or the account has expired. The account recovery request with issue number 59675096 has been closed." Yeah right. I signed in literally everyday. There was no inactivity here. 8 ) I get a phone call. "Hello, this is Matthew from Microsoft Store. I'm calling to tell you that your order was cancelled due to credit card problem. Would you like to fix this to keep the order of Halo 4 LE Console Pre-order?" Me: "Mathew, there is nothing wrong with my credit card, but I can't sign into my account to check." "Sorry, I tried to re-issue the order but that email did not work. Do you have another Windows account?" just my luck. Everything is being taken from me. 9) Well my edu verified Dreamspark account is gone, can't even download the new VS 2012 when it comes out. Just great. 10) Asked on the Xbox.com forums (on new account). Why my entire MS account was deleted. Once again, the question was avoided. "Reason: Apologies, but this forum is solely for the purpose of learning the reasoning behind individual Xbox LIVE account suspensions, not to debate their duration or validity. The suspension will stand as issued. This forum is reserved for inquiries regarding Xbox LIVE account suspensions due to Code of Conduct violations. If your account has encountered a billing or payment issue, please contact Xbox Support. Thanks! " 11) I was a part of the Beta Dashboard (Fall 2012). I've been part of lots of Xbox Beta dashboards. Probably about 4. Can't even sign into the MSDN private section to report feedback/bugs. That account is completely gone as well. Lesson learned. There are no rules at Microsoft. They respond to problems however they want deleting everything inside their Microsoft Ecosystem over a silly Xbox Live problem that if anything should of been a 2 week suspension. I urge everyone to get everything off their system into other systems if you care about your data at all. It seems they can completely wipe your account from existence. Even a 7yr old account without as much as a warning.
  15. Yeah, apparently they license me the content anyway. So I couldn't even get my 6 years of DLC back. On the bright side, I can play Halo again since my new account isn't banned.
  16. got me this. http://i.imgur.com/Z6IQR.png An account that I've had since 2005. Now perma banned. All XBOXes in my apartment perma banned and my account. fml. EDIT: FYI What did I do? Xbox live messaged the guy with Halo 4. Asking if he would upload Halo 4. Then I said, do you know how. Here is the name of a program. Then I sent him another message saying you (he) would be famous. Lots of mistakes made, but you know what Microsoft? I pre-ordered Halo 4 LE Console, and bought every Halo ever, and you perma banned every console in my apartment. Low. Low. Low. Not to mention that account is 6+ years old. What the hell is up with perma bans? No one bans for a year anymore.
  17. iBotPeaches


    Don't show CBox on Mobile Added some char conversion in username Added more smilies
  18. My original 05 whatever one, was my JTAG that just broke. Hoping to head back to my parents house and do some magical work so I can have dev & jtag & retail. I have like 12 normal xbox. I think about 7 are just laying on selves, and only about 3 boot up and 2 are just my parts boards that I take random parts from.
  19. I was just thinking back to my first consoles. Surprisingly, my first console was a gamecube. There were others out prior to that, like the N64 but I was not allowed to get one. Looking back at that thing http://nintendookie.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/gamecube.jpg?w=300&h=300 It was one strange box with tiny discs. Some of my favorite gaming memories (Sonic Adventure 2 Battle & Zelda & Super Smash Brothers) were on that box. I've lost sight of Nintendo because they continue to development games which I honestly don't care for. Bring back any of those 3 games in the prime that they were without any wavy wii bullshit and I'll look at em again. Next I got a dreamcast. I played crazy taxi & Sonic. Loved that system as well. The memory cards had a LCD screen and I could take care of my Chaos (Sonic) in school. Just ranting as its been about 11 months since I've played an xbox game worth while. Hell, I successfully paid for a year of Xbox Live without signing on more than 5 times. Hoping for that to change in the upcoming month
  20. You edit a text file and store your IP there.... So how is that not saving? You need to give more information. OS? Jtag/Dev/RGH? 64/32 bit? Why are you restarting it? Save the text file, then your good.
  21. So use the Coolrunner to dump the NAND / write the ECC? and the Demon for the dual nand. All sounds covered. Unless I'm missing something.
  22. iBotPeaches


    Fixed bad display for VIP users Fixed shouting as "anonymous" Added some smilies
  23. iBotPeaches


    I have brought our old 2007 Cbox back. There was nothing wrong with our current Shoutbox and it had amazing integration use w/ topics and what not but this is old school. I fixed the design to match our look and put little icons next to our usernames. Every usergroup has a different icon/color. Enjoy it.
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55zOTemj03k&feature=related
  25. Just curious. welcome to the forum.
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