It looks pretty tough. If all ads were the same, underlying code you could use JS regex to pull the size and re-create your own, but their not. So hold on.
I can take away the give command This is one of the most vanilla public servers you'll find. Almost everyone runs buhkit or something. Go wander in a direction, (not too far). Otherwise you blow up my mapsize, then grow the file, then cost me more bandwidth. Then start your own little area. The intention of our world was to flatten a massive area and create a city, but that failed.
I used to have some javascript code to remove ads and replace them with white boxes, but I'm sure it could be changed to replace with your own ads. However, detecting the size of the ads, I'm not entirely sure of. I'll look for the code.
Our "gatekeeper". The dude the plays all the time and keeps the server in organization basically tells me who. All I know is when 1.5 comes out its going to take at least a few days to re-program simpleserver to respond with the new weather and achievement system. so... next time I sign in, I'll upgrade you.
I never knew that they put their username into the GT slot. Thats pretty funny. We should simply validate their GT slot with, and probably stop more signups.
I suspect one as well, but seeing as there is no link / no advertising. I'm confused. However, newer bots make structured posts (well as structured as the programmer programmed it). Then after they get X amount, they add in a nice signature that then will be used as the spam agent.
I've never tried that, but I'm going to try it on mine and see if it loads. Edit: yep it worked. It immediately detected the linux savefile, and they I clicked checkpoints on Splinter Cell and boom I was greeted with the modded linux menu. I didn't click any options, because I don't want to break my setup, but I'm confident that they should work.
For the first day I was a chicken with my head cut off. My friend showed me this video, and that helped getting me going. Though, I agree with Quinn a ton that having a friend who knows the game is the only true way to get your questions answered.
The server is vanilla with the exception of SimpleServer. I'm planning on moving it to Buhhkit once the modding API comes out. As for the actual playing. Everyone is defaulted to a Guest until I manually approve their usernames. So until I do that, you cannot touch/do anything. You can however walk around. Have fun, PM me your username if you want to be moved to members. The giant rainbow colored building was the first building I ever made. A friend made the little brick house, and some guy who pays me a buck a month build that lava junk, any random structure, etc. My current project is that giant black box. I play about once a week some time. Of course, my username is iBotPeaches on the server. If you see anyone else on it, you don't know them and they don't know you more than likely. The server does require a legit minecraft license. So anyone running pirated copies. sorry.