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Everything posted by iBotPeaches

  1. You mean cooky of dooty 4. That game is garbage.
  2. iBotPeaches


    A user asked for more smiles. Heres 270 more!
  3. Bump Bump. No one cares, but yet everyone complains about the skin.
  4. Yeah I'm bored too, but giving out that resign code will put modders into the game, wait till AuotUpdate 1, where the bannhammer and new melees come. Then we can mod.
  5. Okay, go to game downloads. And find the optional iPod support. Download that, then buy a Harddrive. THen your golden.
  6. Its actually good to prevent modders, destroying halo 3.
  7. If you didn't play halo 2, for a week. You were bad. I still get killed by dumb melees. But the next auto-update is changing that. In short term, he went home and played alot, to learn our side, and now agrees. The magnetism of beatdowns, and lunge are being greatly decreased, so you can maybe start to duck under punches
  8. sure. you could have just said css lol.
  9. Whats that mean? I could use feedback. I only spent a month, bug fixing that template. Too work on all browsers.
  10. Did you place those 2 files in the E/TDATA/00064 folder? They control yelo otherwise it goes crazy.
  11. Who cares about the logo images. Its direct towards my online site, so It won't load unless its me. Just go to the homepage, and save it. Otherwise I don't know how to include an image with HTML page, without giving out the whole site.
  12. Its actually a scrolling bar on bottom. No affiliates yet. lol
  13. Type in ibotmodz.net Okay, Want to submit, its all raw HTML. Heres the Template to work from. Update iBotModzTemplate.rar
  14. We don't care about bumps. Not enough people here to care. a ? lol. 47 thank you. You must play no ranked.
  15. After many issues. Logining in and out. "Access Denied" .Mods not working "style errors" "nav_bar" I've decided to get a new skin. This one is very cool, and I might keep around 5 skins from you to choose from. That process to install 5 themes and mods for them, will be time consuming, but I wish to meet everyone's standards for the new site. The Site Here, has a list of over 200 styles I can use. I like Serenity Blue, and others. I would like to create 5 themes. So far. Prosilver (default) BF_Vista (Current) So 3 more skins. You can find them for us!
  16. some rules. lol
  17. I wanted anarchy to stay.
  18. I would love it if you decreased your sig just alittle.
  19. That was be so cool. So a bungie member leaked a pre-beta build of halo 3? Its just a torrent floating around?
  20. iBotPeaches


    Nope same forum. Different main page.
  21. Is it an 8.5 gb iso? lol. I don't even know what it is.
  22. iBotPeaches


    Site was finished Today. All templates made, and now content is being put in. Fattwam has only access. So don't complain. Its almost done, and looks nice.
  23. That was quite a mouthful. As MasterChief says in the video. Yes, most is illegal but government is not going to care, they have more better things to do.
  24. Sweet, can't wait till that sword cancel glitch.
  25. Check if you have the exploit. THats your last hope, otherwise were using HDM
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