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Everything posted by iBotPeaches

  1. I guess I'll take another shot at it. Not really a graphics guy so thats probably why it sucks.
  2. We better get some pics when its done then
  3. Yeah I've seen some sweet ones that are like a dark dragon and a light one, if your into dragons. I've also seen a lot of 2 fish that are dark and light intertwined, but I think those are ugly. So forget those.
  4. http://www.x360key.com/
  5. ^ What are we looking at?
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dywzftNNnXs&feature=player_embedded
  7. 1110 downloads

    A completely original program developed by slasherking823, XTAF Explorer can view, extract and inject files from a usb memory card that has been formatted by the xbox 360. It allows not only safe backup of game files, but also provides the ability to access your 360 data files for modding purposes. It has a built in GruntMods auto-updater to make sure you have the latest version on hand. It is available free to use in any guide or tutorial as well as home use, provided credit is given to the author and GruntMods. Forget buying a data migration kit from Microsoft, or Xport from Datel, XTAF Explorer is all you need to: Play modified game saves Modify local game files for desirable effects Mod Your gamertag Backup your data Get free themes and gamerpics Mod your avatar Boost your gamerscore Install system updates Now with HDD Support!
  8. This product is an exception.
  9. Just thought I'd chime in a little update. I downloaded a new game to test out (to see If I wanted to buy it). Unpacked the ISO, and told FATx to transfer the entire 7gb of contents within the folders. That amazing progress bar was dead accurate and it literally took about a minute to transfer 7gb of stuff. From 500 little tiny files to even the large image.pack files that were about 2gb in size. My 60gb drive has had problems all the time. Point being, this software gave me my 20gb of open space back (that was previously gone in say xPort/Modio). So now I can freely move and delete things knowing that my drive won't corrupt. I only have 2 more days to use it, but if continue to use my JTAG often. I'll be purchasing. EDIT: I bought it. I needed some Paid only features. Great application.
  10. There is that tool called "H2V Gamertag Editor", but every link is dead out there. I'll do some checking and see if I can get a re-upped copy.
  11. PM me your profile. ( and your Halo 2 Vista Profile GT name) or whatever you use to identify yourself. I'll take a look.
  12. I saw gabe said on his twitter, sucks to be graf. So yeah that sucks.
  13. There was a program called sav3r, that did just that for regular xbox Halo 2. I do not know if that process is the same for Vista. Sorry Here it is, just in case: http://ibotmodz.net/forum/files/file/21-sav3r/
  14. Those are really good. The syncing you do with the cut scenes match perfectly. True Grit and Matrix are my favorite.
  15. PMed them to you. I just found the device info button. Pretty fancy stuff there. Extracting the logo, and all that information just from the drive.
  16. Well my 60gb drive doesn't work in it. Content partition shows nothing. However, the only program that does load my HDD is Le Fluffie So I must of corrupted it. Great job though, looks very neat and professional. The entire UI and options are unbelievable.
  17. I have 5 more as well. Just loaded the app up.
  18. I played 2 games with blue flames, and then was bored out of my mind. It did bring me back to the game, if that was the goal of giving out blue flames.
  19. Xplorer 360: http://ibotmodz.net/forum/files/file/99-explorer-360-extreme-2/ As for the MACs. 90% of the "modders" run Windows. No one takes the time to port to MAC. I hope you find one, but thats not very common.
  20. sweet. welcome.
  21. I want a new 360 Pikmin game.
  22. I haven't made a news topic about member counts since the old blue IBM on forumer. However, 20,000 members is a nice milestone. Its not 100k or 1 million posts like other sites are reaching, but were a nice little community. So whoop whooop. The 20,000th member name was IBM. So I assume a current member saw the count at 19,999 and just re-registered lol.
  23. Hello and welcome.
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