You then take apart your computer and remove it. Every disc drive comes out one way or another this one just might take quite alot of skill/work to get out.
The block lines at the bottom left corner is a nice style but your bring them in too sharp. I would drop the sharpness on it, then it would seem up to my standards. Also, the render just kinda is in there, it doesn't blend much. Its just shadow-ed and placed there.
Display names were removed (That was the 800 charge) because 9 users were using iBotPeaches is some form or another and it was cluttering the forum. The charge for 2000 is your Member Title, its below your avatar and displayed on every forum post. No one has that yet, unless you buy it.
You should be able to come right through the proxy, however if your banned and try to sign in through that proxy with a banned account, you will get the proxy banned fast.
Its impossible I think to make it into a program, because there would always be a different table to hash and inject, than hash that. I don't understand it enough, but I think to do that you would need a specific con injector. I didn't even know custom gamerpics were possible.
I tried to bring most back, but I cannot find them on the web. For phpBB3 they were store in some weird file that I cannot extract. If you have one post the image, and the code it needs to post. Here would be an example
No Internet, yanking the countdown timer yesterday was not a joke. We wish it was, though. To prevent errors when auto copying the news post. Here is a direct link to it instead.
We got the site back online FAST. We will iron out these content bugs such as links not working and attachments missing, then we will add rep system and so on.
I heard (so possibly not true) from one of those forum posts, that Bungie was resetting all Halo 3 levels, and dropping EXP to 0, but leaving the amount of games played in your profile to put in end to boosting and trying to keep a "perfect" level. The matchmaking will be changed to "Ranked and Unranked" apon entering it, it will sub-divide asking if you would like either MLG, Objective, Team Slayer, or Big Team. Then your sorted from that, you can enter social, but if you enter social with a guest you will be paired with people with a guest, or if you go on with a team of all gamertags (no guests) you will be match with gamertags. It will keep the system fair and allow more numbers in all playlist. There will be a 3 option every weekends like Team Swat or something.
Site5 banned the infected people, who were using their connections do DDOS us. I'm going to collect my money, wait for my domain to expire then move servers so that shouldn't happen.