I took the direct UMP v5 download, and re-uploaded. Your detecting a type of encryption used in 2 programs in the AIO, which expired in 2008. So it now think its a hidden trojan or virus since it no longer has certificate to prove its just an encryption to stop decompling.
Firefox has never been good with managing data, you quit forcefully or something, and it thinks its little "buffer" of cookies is filled and thus tons of weird programs (mostly images and flash occur)
Right click the image, and view it by itself in the browser. Then refresh that page, using the refresh button. It should re-cache if that fixed it, then you have too much CACHE in firefox, so un-install apps or dumb some cookies.
Your CSS isn't working. Go to settings, and drop the cookies just for this site, then re-login and do a hard javascript file refresh which can be done from either f12 or f8 or f9 lol. I forgot since my F buttons don't work.