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Everything posted by iBotPeaches

  1. quick reply in new skin (Light)
  2. quick reply in new skin (blue orange)
  3. test
  4. I didn't want to add 2 of the same usergroups. So your blue, your a donor. From there someone can view your posts to determine if your a Donor+ or just a Donor.
  5. You can choose if your VIP if you want to stay green or not. I can just use secondary member group to give you the "better" powers with the color of your choice.
  6. First off, this is the last usergroup changes we will have for a long long long time. I hate adding lots of usergroups, but I had to do this. They do have the sky blue as their usergroup color. For anyone who is mad about that, just donate Donors is for a Member or Members+ who donates. Donors+ is for a VIP member who donates, so they can retain having VIP access. For help involving the multiple usergroups. Visit the help topic Here. Also, we updated IPB versions and IP.Download versions a few days ago. Now work on the Help Desk has started and the Shoutbox will be upgraded to fix those last remaining bugs some time next week. Thanks
  7. Can we add null bytes to our profile to keep the amount the same? Or would a null byte be a null byte and not make a difference.
  8. I guess Sky Blue then. I'll work on it today, and get it up by tonight.
  9. Just played the full 2 hours with prizes Won nothing The guy had only 6 people left to beat to get 10,000 MSP, but he lost. Its a fun game, just too hard to win.
  10. iBotPeaches


  11. So its safe to say you guys wanted a separate color?
  12. Should they be a different usergroup color? If so, any suggestions?
  13. I just received this from our hoster. During the downtime I should be able to get the userbars for Donors & Donors+ then those will go live.
  14. There will be another application called Installous, you do it from there. An illegal app store.
  15. The one time I had a Dell, when I was 10. It sucked. They sent me nothing. I wanted the manuals to all my parts, all they send me was a Dell Manual. Plus, building yourself is 10x better
  16. Do you get the drivers CDs for all the extras you have? Do you get the install CD for the operating system on dell? Do you get all the extra screws for the case and motherboard? Dell buys its inferior parts from old PCs around the world and put them in everything. One day you'll understand. Theres nothing better than purchased parts assembled by yourself. Saves 3rd party companies from piling your computer with pre-installed crap.
  17. If Recon was still Recon back when 2 people had it. I would of payed 5 bucks, except knowing now that almost 800 people have it and soon much more will. I see no point.
  18. 2 parts to go and at 900 is pretty good compared to other computers people make. I just need a non-stock CPU fan, and my video card. Then I'll be running 64bit Windows 7.
  19. Usually when I see these topics, I just unban them. Once we get Shoutbox 2.0 though. There will be timed bans. /ban [username] [length] [m/h/d] so /ban Justrec 60 m Would ban Justrec for 60 minutes.
  20. What brand or custom? If you bought dell then blah. They are only cheaper because all their parts are foreign and pieces of crap. Mine is at 900, with still 2 parts to go. I got a tad better mobo though
  21. I can do a plus or a minus or a ton more characters. I'll have to look at the character set I have, I'm sure there is a star in there.
  22. I think now 50 REP would be more reasonable, until we get enough members to bump it back up to 100.
  23. Nope VIP cannot avoid the word filter. After mtwomg story about the word filter, I decided it to give it to people, they just have to give me something first
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