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Everything posted by skipper132

  1. and if u look closly master chief is peeeeeing
  2. Why are u leakving this up it is not possible to make modifications like this to halo 3 the only possible mods we can do withought a dev kit are variants mods we cant edit wepon metas witha vaiantN ITS NOT EFFING POSSIBLE LOCK THE TOPIC I DONT WANT PEOPLE GETTING EXITED ABOUGHT SOMTHING THAT DOSENT EXIST[/i]
  3. only variant mods can be tranferablle throught file shares and if this were real it would haf 2 be a dot map PS. my grandma can photoshop better that this s*** FAkER
  4. yea im not just getting it for h3 modding but mostly but i just was considering it it if will be the only way to ever mod h3 .maps
  5. I want to buy a 360 dev kit / xdk and if anyone who has found one for sale could give me a link Note: i dont want to pay over 1000$
  6. why was my modding programs topic removed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. how do you get the picture back in2 the con file? do you need a con injector?
  8. Note this tutorial dosen't allow you to play the map without a resigner this just tells you how to mod a map varient. This tutorial is made so if you get a resigner you can play a modded map. (Not like theres any released yet.) Requirements: 1.XSATA or Xport360 2.HxD Hex Editor 3.Johnson or Engineer 4.Xplorer360 5.armoury.map 6.Xbox 360 Ok first of all you will need a blank canvas for any map in forge. Once loaded the map spawn a vehical to mark the spawn point of the thing you want to mod. Lets say you are on Rat's Nest on a blank canvas and you spawned a mongoose now you want to position it exactly the way you want the modded object to spawn. (This dose not apply to player models) lets just say you want a pelican to spawn where you just placed your mongoose. You must save the map and remeber the date it was saved. Start your XSATA or Xport device and open Xplorer360. Go to Partition 3/Content/(your profile ID)/4D5307E6/00000001 You can now see a list of Map Varients,Game Varients,Film Clips and films. Look for a Map Varient with the date you saved your map on Rat's Nest. Once you find it Right Click and press "Extract" Dosen't matter where you extract it to just make sure you put it somewhere you can remember. Open HxD Hex Editor and open the Map Varient you just extracted. Now open Johnson or Engineer and open armoury.map go to the vehi tag and get the identifyer code. Copy it and search for it on HxD using the map varient you opened. search for "hex" rather than "text" so it will find the identifyer code. When finding the hex for the mongoose on the map varient, Go to johnson or engineer and find the pelican tag and get the identifyer code. Go to HxD and paste the identifyer code for the pelican where the mongoose identifyer is. Once this is done you can now save the map varient and do nothing intill a CON Resigner is released. But its still good to know your ready with a map just incase such an event happens. Note: you can use any object in forge to swap another object with but the only problem with objects such as grenades and weapons is that they don't save the direction correctly. made by, SLIGSTORM from xboxtampers
  9. WOW didnt think it would come to this especialy from you twiggy
  10. i got a msg from the bungie and they said if i "release" mods ill be banned ..... i never read Intentional leaking in the message sooo basicly dont put on file share and youl be fine
  11. well............... not my place to say but whatever
  12. i think this is a fake 2 get some 1 to release the con sighner so i think i might as well release stuf
  13. from now i i will not ever release my mods im not spending 400 dollars for a new xbox well id say 200 cauz id just trade in 2 game stop
  14. dude halo2 was a machmaking modding that ruind it and i cant say cheeting wasnt fun but hardly is it going h2 again... youd need a flashed drive and a .map sighner wich should be leaked before the con.... mainly because shade made it and its non sever but whatever.....
  15. thank god i didnt release my mod whew
  16. list not real i asked anthony
  17. wow F*cking wow ROLFCOPTER
  18. i would have to say probably not unless you know some1..... but a sighner is coming there bieng leaks slowly but surly i give it abought a month tops till a sighner is out.... after that will all want a .map resighner from then on good thing shade leaks stuf
  19. OH yea and sligtorm wrote that, btw if u dont have a signer u cant play your mods at all
  20. Note this tutorial dosen't allow you to play the map without a resigner this just tells you how to mod a map varient. This tutorial is made so if you get a resigner you can play a modded map. (Not like theres any released yet.) Requirements: 1.XSATA or Xport360 2.HxD Hex Editor 3.Johnson or Engineer 4.Xplorer360 5.armoury.map 6.Xbox 360 Ok first of all you will need a blank canvas for any map in forge. Once loaded the map spawn a vehical to mark the spawn point of the thing you want to mod. Lets say you are on Rat's Nest on a blank canvas and you spawned a mongoose now you want to position it exactly the way you want the modded object to spawn. (This dose not apply to player models) lets just say you want a pelican to spawn where you just placed your mongoose. You must save the map and remeber the date it was saved. Start your XSATA or Xport device and open Xplorer360. Go to Partition 3/Content/(your profile ID)/4D5307E6/00000001 You can now see a list of Map Varients,Game Varients,Film Clips and films. Look for a Map Varient with the date you saved your map on Rat's Nest. Once you find it Right Click and press "Extract" Dosen't matter where you extract it to just make sure you put it somewhere you can remember. Open HxD Hex Editor and open the Map Varient you just extracted. Now open Johnson or Engineer and open armoury.map go to the vehi tag and get the identifyer code. Copy it and search for it on HxD using the map varient you opened. search for "hex" rather than "text" so it will find the identifyer code. When finding the hex for the mongoose on the map varient, Go to johnson or engineer and find the pelican tag and get the identifyer code. Go to HxD and paste the identifyer code for the pelican where the mongoose identifyer is. Once this is done you can now save the map varient and do nothing intill a CON Resigner is released. But its still good to know your ready with a map just incase such an event happens. Note: you can use any object in forge to swap another object with but the only problem with objects such as grenades and weapons is that they don't save the direction correctly.
  21. solid mods is only me ambi0, and famous massace and nox no1 else no1 u were never in it so stfu
  22. they would never listen to you they all hate you so SOLID MODS RULEZ
  23. weve already mad e 2 mode so i would shut the **** up ok but i h8 to say iot and i realy hate to day it but tyler's mods are better than are's way betters .... even though my name is tyler lol...
  24. ok a couple of thing one r u going 2 release this 2 ive played with u on halo2 me and famous massace and 3 ive already played one of ur mod maps the one with 2 clones famous said it was a test mao but idk anyway best of luck
  25. snakez sighner's fake he tried to scamm me solid mods rulez wooot
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