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Everything posted by skipper132

  1. k mabez
  3. in my opinion weelllll absolutly horriiiibbbly no offense but i made 1 much better on my file share ..... sorry to flame but it doesent even vaugly resemble foundation
  5. LOCOROCO & of course GTA woooterz
  6. i would just go to http://www.download.com if i were u but im not no am i
  7. k i know alot abought psp's but i didnt realy know the importance of it i waS goooglin it and people were buyen emme for like 300$ so idkkk
  8. yea but there the people who started modding they never wanted halo modding to go public ever it wouldent have made it into halo 3 modding if they hadent started halo1 modding in the first place so if it wasnt for them none of us would ever be modding anything but halo ce and gearcompany made that pecause they started modding the regular pc version so basicly if it wasnt for the cool circle halo modding 1,2,or 3 would not be going on now
  9. i have 2 psp's 1 of them has fw 1.0 and the other the newest darkalexes custom dont remember # anyway whats the point in having a 1.0 psp and is it worth any money??? some1 said there worth like 300 because it is like a psp dev kit or somthing idk idk
  10. This is why the cool circle hates the communinty and i dont blame them there always that specail som1 who ruins it for every1 its a shame.............
  11. its now on devong's file share because none of us are brave enought 2 post on r file share DEVONG IS NOT LEAKING IT JUST FILE SHARE HOSTING IT FOR US
  12. tyler izzzle did 1 but it wasnt actualy on the map it was in the sky this map is flooded
  13. good job mfone
  14. ummmmm cool i guess ????
  15. skipper132

    Modding help

    u need a sighner dum Azs
  16. can some1 pm me link 2 an iso thats the onky way for me FTPing isnt realy an option for me
  17. i had modded my onlyd 1g nano with flodzilla but now i want to do the same with my 3rd gen nano is that possible yet????
  18. halo 1 is dowloaded to the hdd when u buy it and i know the files (i think) are in con's but hypotheticly could i mod the halo1 .maps and sighn them with a con sighner and play modded h1 on ym 360???
  19. Can anyone show me some good widscreen background preferably halo related i could use a change on my laptop
  20. skipper132

    Modding help

    if u cant firgure how to get them back on how did u get them off? if u modded a .map ud need more than a con sighner/ rehasher
  21. congrats now ur not a lil brit anymore lol well seya in 30 days
  22. .maps even if we could play them wouldent be transferable through file shared and even if they could they'd be around 150mb's a pop compared to the 116kb's in a variant oh and 1mg is 1000kb 150,000kb compared to 116kb big diference ok
  23. technecly there eliigle to own and they technecly could sue me for having it but its realy not worth ther etrouble so they dont do anything
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