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Everything posted by skipper132

  1. I WIL RELEASE MY PIT MAP TOMORO IF U GET T PUT ON U FILESHARE THIS WILL BE A FUL RELESE ( DO NO CHANGE DESCRIPTON) i will relese 1 map probably 1nce a week hey heres a vid of my for mods mods flurry v.1 flurry v.2 bird pit misty mountains [youtube:tfw2jksq][/youtube:tfw2jksq] mod pics Blaknag fire test ( didnt work ) http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/22195-310.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/22195-311.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/22195-312.jpg
  2. i cant patch because i cant ftp with my xbox and i cant dl toreent so iso's are my only option i have every single h1 map pack on an iso and oftopicx put we should open an h1 modding section since h1.map distribution is legal now(has been since haloce )
  3. is it possible to ad a map pack like a dlc addon so i could add it to my 360 hdd withought replace ment and if so can some 1 make that for me sorry to bug
  4. shade should sighn it with his .map sighner and then release this in a torrent or somthing so we all could play it on are flashed 360's hmmm
  5. so the latest i extreme cvan play any iso stealth or non and how do u patch an iso for it to be stealth?
  6. wait so is this likable to happen is ms going to go around banning keypairs next and stop variant modding 1nce and forall?????????????????????????????????????
  7. DUDE u gotsta put a shiny rayquaza on there because there sick as HeII
  8. oh so like basicly there banning you not every xbox out there am i right because im getting a new xbox and the old 1 im going 2 leave offline 2 prevent updates or just to mods on
  9. is it possible for them to do so and if it is if i had an offline xbox withought the update could i still play then ???
  10. its real they have a dev kit or n xdk
  11. i have like 7 of thos goAurdian test the 72 shades 1 aND like a couple otheres
  12. yo addd me in rs my names loser4455 im like a lv 80 somthing i mostly wc mages but i havent been on in a while because i lost 8m dues to price drops when i was g.e. merching but whatevr add me
  13. i would definetly go with unleash x thats the best dash yet next to avalanch
  14. NICE can i play this on my 360
  15. can some1 pm a link to the new killtrocity iso sorry to bug
  16. do they sell capture cards at best but for around 50$ ????
  17. ok ..... and we will definetly never get a pirs sighner because thats what sighns live cons well im getting a flahsed drive sooon so im in the clear because i dont mod halo 2 on halo1 & halo3
  18. can u send me a vidio on xxl on this cuz this is freeeken amazing dude good job
  19. can u send me a vidio on xxl on this cuz this is freeeken amazing dude good job
  20. wait theres davinchi walllls innthe tags wtf show me the tag i g2 make a mod with this zomfg
  21. this is probably from a torrrent which usualy contain vviruses
  22. this is probably from a torrrent which usualy contain vviruses
  23. some 1 should somehow sighn this with a .map sighner so we could all play it
  24. alright for a first mod.... way better than my first mod lol
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