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Everything posted by skipper132

  1. you didnt make this this is savable in forge and made by sligstorm
  2. CHILL OUT REMAKE PICS HERE MAP WILL BE RELEASED SOON BY BUNGIE http://www.montages4you.com/xildestruct ... es/CS.html and also here http://www.mlgpro.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=152
  3. devs dont even have xbl they have partner net wich is completely diffrent and even if u did plug it in it would be useless ..... basicly u mod on devs u play the mods with your friends on local
  4. Ok thanks dude
  5. he just spawed the sky i mean me and ambi0 flooded the pit its not that hard wow u can swap a crate for sky luck you
  6. go kill yourself
  7. I just haf 2 laugh and say usefull post now we realy know who knows what there talking abought
  8. Demo Kit: Used at trade shows like E3. Look exactly like a Retail 360. The most basic model that will run unsigned code, and access PartnerNet. Reviewer Kit: Is a Smoky Gray Color, like a Dev Kit. Usually has a 60GB Hard Drive Shipped to reviewers at magazines, and websites. Test Kit: White like retail models. Usually has a sidecar attached, if it doesn't wires will be coming from the top, allowing a sidecar to be attached. Only the DVD Emulation port is installed though Has larger Hard Drive, usually about 100-160GB. Dev Kit: Is a Smokey Gray color. Has Kernel Debugging enabled May, or may not have a Sidecar attached. Usually has a bigger hard drive (100-160GB). All of these will access PartnerNet, and you can develop games and apps on everyone, but only by using the 360 SDK (basically, you install Visual Studio, install the SDK, then connect to a router, or directly to the Xbox Kit to dev). Test Kits, and some Dev Kits have Sidecars with them, these Sidecars have either one or two USB-B ports on the back, if it has one, then you can use the DVD Emulation feature, and play Debug/Work in Progress games directly from a computer's Hard Drive; if the Test/Dev Kit has two Ports one will be the DVD Emulation, the other will be the PIX (Performance Investigator for Xbox) port, which lets you see what the CPU is outputting. Hope this helps.
  9. no shade realy does wy dont you just go and ask him hmmmm
  10. Can u do links to ps1 pre converted Eboots?
  11. nice got 2 try this one out
  12. ooooo Thats cool peaches
  13. Even if u did upload the con's to the internet theres no (public) way of changing the id's to your xbox so it wouldent show up on the list you know.......
  14. Wellllll better than my first lol
  15. SHADE has a .map resighner ive seen it and he sioghnes for his close friends i know he does and belive me it we be out before the con sighner because more people have been working on it and they been working on it for longer ..... SHADE HAS A .MAP resighner
  16. This is good but where do we draw the line beetween spamming and regualar posting i mean its a matter of opinion so we should set a fine line between whats spanning and whats not you see?
  17. way sooner than you think
  18. thanx dev
  19. i was host i made the mod it was an invisible barriar ............devong is right
  20. i spawed poop cover on ym black out mod its basicly an ivisible thign thats the size of a barrle so idk lol
  22. but have u seen sniper towers with turrets atached im the 1rst to do that wooooooot
  23. actualy i didnt swawn the tower i tried to swapn the gaurdians but a sniper tower top apeard and i was like wtf ? i think it was actualy in scen or bloc
  24. but the turrets on the tower tops that my fav
  25. the collest thign is i didnt wanna spawn ths niper toper and i clicked the wrong tag but it spawed as the tops of the towweres with attached turrets lucky me i guess !?!?!?
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