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Everything posted by skipper132

  1. YOU KNOW WHAT BUNGIE BITE MEIF they (console ) ban 1 person im going to have p.orn hub on my file share
  2. ok and im not going to be moddign (variants) much after this ecause theres realy nonthing left to do if u know what i mean
  3. Ok some help please So first i located my gamerpics and extracted them http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/30409-40.jpg Then i extracted them from the con with shades resighner http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/30409-41.jpg Then i modded and injected and resighned & hashed http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/30409-42.jpg Now they dont show up? what am i doing wrong
  4. Pics tell all dl my file share last slot's http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Halo3/Default....ayer=SKIPPER132 http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/30408-43.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/30408-44.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/30408-45.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/30408-46.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/30408-47.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/30408-48.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/30408-49.jpg Link http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/Screensh...rtag=SKIPPER132 ^LAST SLOT^ SHADE THANX FOR SANDBOX
  5. well is there anyway you can spawn 1 because sligstorm did it and he wont say how ( and somhow that dosent surprise me )
  6. Well currently were actualy editiong the profile0000000000000001000 file so we actualy are modding the gamesave thus giving us recon ................ until bungie removes it after like 10 mins .......... "dam there magical JUDO magic"
  7. Wellll breaking terms and conditions isnt illigal (most of the time) it just means ur warentys viod and they can ban you thats like hmmmmmmmmm "like no sliding down the mc donalds slide with trays ( you go super fast ) its not elligle yo will just get kicked out of mc donalds" ( Not like thats happend to me :0 )
  8. Well incase u guys didnt notice there copyrited and you'd haf to have permision to re-distribute or it is ILLEGAL
  9. Actualy we have seen a mod on it sligstorm moved the 1ns from outside the map its not in bloc or scen its in another random foldder idk
  10. the only one thats i think is playeble id misty mointains ill release v2 soon BUT most of the 1ns i relesed are just tests fof randon stuf like there just tests the only final thing that wasnt a tests was flurry v.03 everyhting else was a test for me
  11. No pics no clicks
  12. Hey comminity wellll.......................... my report card is comin ( and im not exactly the scollar student or anything...u can se from my grammer ) so ill be grounded for a while and not on xbl so i might as well relese every mod ive like ever bothered to make test or non test alike i dont want to post screenies of everything but heres the link to my share so im not leaving the community just taking a break as we might call it but ill try to B on asmuch as possible (if possible at all) THE SHORT VERSION= im grounded wont be on xbl heres some mods http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/fileshar...rtag=SKIPPER132
  13. i just wish they would have relesed halo 2 ds..........
  14. the site sounds cool i might think abouit signing up.............
  15. woh i just played the map it is awsome...
  16. um thats not modded
  17. __________________________________________delete this_______________________________________________
  18. Welll thats just ICKY........... 2/5 Tip u should combine objects
  19. UM no ur wrong look anywhere and any1 will tel you dev kits run unasigned xex's so stfu
  20. sorry abought grammer i was baned from halo mods .com for bad gramer ( god dam tural ) but anyway yea for halo 2 i know its possble but how !?!?!?!? oh and a halo2 adon map pack like create your own
  21. u would have done a better pic but idc
  22. Therese are all forms of dev kits and they all run unasighned xex files so i would just STFU tebager and some1 please lock this topic
  23. Some1 should find the rom im sure its been leaked before
  24. this is cool i wont dl but its stilll cool i guess..........
  25. its the sky because it spawns the sky and wow redstar i thought u were better than that
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