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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. Ponzi Scheme -.-
  2. I'm hunting for eggs with money in them.
  3. T3A guy


    I'm back too.
  4. LOL I wish I knew. I would have bought 500.
  5. No, Slipstreams. Slip is the krafty of ibotmodz.
  6. NO PHAIL!
  7. Yeah, just cuz it's about you right?
  8. http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/3382/lolololw.png
  9. He looks like a cyclops.
  10. LOLwut? Here is Johnson and here is a place you can download halo 3 maps
  11. It's called grid and its under scen.
  12. 4/2/09 "Yo Dawg Twist" "Caboose doesn't quite understand the 'yo dawg' meme." http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/8144/abcdzzzsl33p.png
  13. T3A guy


    Then why do you always tell me I'm in 3rd grade?
  14. T3A guy


    I'm 9
  15. T3A guy


    Wow, I didn't know it was legal for 1st graders to live by themselves in Florida. Grade - 3 Wake up, go to school, learn about sharing, go home, get on mommy computer on ibotmodz, go to bed at 7:00.
  16. T3A guy

    Hack Test

    If you go back to page 2 then you can look at answer #1.
  17. I LOLed.
  18. I have a really nice crumpled up piece of paper. It can't run games, but it has NEVER gotten a virus.
  19. T3A guy

    Team Unix

    Hack Forums did something like that aswell. http://www.hackforums.net/
  20. Then the jokesters will vote for both.
  21. T3A guy

    Team Unix

  22. 99% Of people here are male I bet.
  23. If you want one on one help then you can message me on AIM or MSN. AIM: t3aguy MSN: mikesmith8329@hotmail.com
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