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Everything posted by sillybob123

  1. Hey sorry i cant particularly help tell you but i presume it involves something like the drag and drop feature i have seen it somewhere online wish i could have been more help!
  2. Ok.. Ill apply on one condition you listen and communicate at ALL times and you read some guides and accept my tips i vote for team name : ::TeAm SoNiC ShOtS::
  4. Vote sillybob123 for moderator gaining on 600 posts i am working on lots of tutorials =] i have run many forums in the past have good knowledge on running sites good html knowledge etc.. >:]
  5. IMO its a bad song bad quality and in no way funny ;l
  6. OMG i LUV YOU (in a non homo way of course) lol this is amazing
  7. Thats the best way anyone on this earth could have put it Very nicely done lol
  8. That could be a BIT expensive lol
  9. Hey i have £750 UK i think about $1500 US to spend on a computer setup i want maybe large screens or maybe multi screens well the main thing i want it as high tech as possible maybe stuff like light projection keyboards etc... you can even go to desks and things if ya like I tried myself but couldn't make up my mind so if anyone here is willing that would be great
  10. wow i wonder how its done i asume it isnt a .map mod but a video mod
  11. These arent very good IMO
  12. Rofl ok H4ckY0u.org FTW
  13. Rofl all this was to piss of athrun zala i hope you realise im not upset or anything ed just posted it randomly george why u change your name again?
  14. Yes please
  15. But you called me a prick im really upset
  16. lol ok thats a bit weird when was it made?
  17. This is good OK styling but i guess if it does what you want it to who cares lol
  18. "Luke Filewalker" rofl
  19. Hmm i guess its ok for a first try some more advanced apps maybe take a look at some sources and tuts slowly you will become more adjusted to use VB more efficiently
  20. hmm on first thought im pretty sure with the right firmware you could do it because there are things like having your controller on you pc so i dont see why not google is your friend i guess
  21. Rofl wrong there i was only 1 i just give the avatar and sig to my extra members lolololol
  22. Hi ED! i took that picture
  23. You ready for this? I LIKE CHEESE i dont have any freakish diseases sorry lololol j/k although is it just a coincedence that the majority if not all of us are by loose definition "Computer Nerds"
  24. nope this was the only stuff on the cbox when i copied it the rest had been cleared
  25. Everyone else makes these im a little ***** chatbox posts so i thought i should (05:06 PM) FlamersUnited3 - kits irs sit at *** bacs (05:05 PM) FlamersUnited3 - haha u iz retard (05:05 PM) sillybob123♥ - now everyone who reads my sig is seeing how you admited to be a 12 year old virgin with no life (05:04 PM) GMOF Slidell♥ - thats one i havent herd (05:04 PM) sillybob123♥ - you mean you dont get a say in spelling your only using that because i said how s*** at spelling you are (05:04 PM) FlamersUnited3 - u $%#^%# fagot (05:04 PM) FlamersUnited3 - UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU (05:03 PM) GMOF Slidell♥ - you mean who cant (05:03 PM) GMOF Slidell♥ - how cant (05:03 PM) FlamersUnited3 - or mod halo 3 (05:03 PM) sillybob123♥ - whos fighting? (05:03 PM) FlamersUnited3 - how cant play halo 3 (05:03 PM) sillybob123♥ - thats going in my sig (05:03 PM) GMOF Slidell♥ - oh wait thats you (05:02 PM) GMOF Slidell♥ - lol and i have to start fight over the internet (05:02 PM) sillybob123♥ - thought so (05:02 PM) FlamersUnited3 - slidell is a n1gger (05:02 PM) GMOF Slidell♥ - your right (05:02 PM) sillybob123♥ - your a 12 year old virgin with NO friends and NO life (05:02 PM) GMOF Slidell♥ - and *@%$#$ isnt old (05:02 PM) GMOF Slidell♥ - oh thats good (05:02 PM) sillybob123♥ - he does your just using old s*** ones that arent offensive in ANY WAY (05:02 PM) GMOF Slidell♥ - insted of haveing to use others (05:02 PM) FlamersUnited3 - N1GGer (05:01 PM) sillybob123♥ - slidell i wouldnt tell him how to spell rofl (05:01 PM) FlamersUnited3 - are u a *@%$#$
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