Ive played at my friends house a couple times. He sold it and I didn't care for it much. It was fun for a couple games and the amount of players sounds cool but all my friends who bought it ended up selling it.
I hate that flash drive modding can be done now . I was proud when I modded maps no matter how random because not everyone did it. Now all the kids i know can mod their gamerscore, MW2 gt, etc with modio.
oh, just found something. Maybe its just me but my friends are all messed up. like when i view "Manage Friends" like 7 show up, but on my profile only one does?
When i first saw this topic i was kinda like "ughhh" but after using it a little I really like 3.1. I love the look(though i do miss the pikmin theme) and i noticed that you get notifications when people quote you and idk i kinda like that