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Everything posted by Random1225

  1. It's a program for modding halo ce (pc). Without it pretty much all you can do is proj and model swaps with dothalo.
  2. Looks pretty good. You might need to blend the big render more like smokie says, but otherwise it's pretty good.
  3. It's pretty much the same as modding on xbox 1, except that you can't use AI. Also for maps and tuts check the Halo 2 Maps and Halo 2 Tutorials section lol.
  4. I think he's talking about the part that says "IbotModz". idk what the font is, but i would like to have it to.
  5. I'm all alone on the west coast.
  6. One of the best songs ever.
  7. I'm on the map.
  8. How do I put a marker?
  9. Phh only I have windows on my xbox lol. http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll130/Random1225_photos/xbox-360-elite.jpg
  10. Just to let everyone know. He wasn't trying to ring the bell.
  11. Ya it's faster to use program to mod, but it better to learn to do it manually and me personally I hate using programs like forge. I would rather use a hex editor.
  12. ok, first you don't need to put all those question and exclamation marks. Anyways you don't have to know what hex it to mod. You can use programs like forge to do it for you. Otherwise though you just use johnson and any hex editor and just swap identifiers.
  13. Thanks yungbol that fixed it.
  14. I'm pretty sure I did. It looks like this. http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll130/Random1225_photos/Untitled-6.png
  15. Random1225


    Ya I'd say that would work pretty well. The graphics should be pretty good.
  16. Nice tut keep it up. Also I'm more used to VB so I tried writing this in Vb and I have this one error. It says "Image.FromStream" is not a member of System.IO so I tried writing it differently and it still didn't work so I tried converting it using a Vb to C# converter and It still didn't work. I know your more into C#, but I thought I'd ask if you knew whats wrong.
  17. http://www.speedtest.net/result/430847799.png I hate you guys.
  18. nope and my drawings are teh best.
  19. Yes you do. It's in C++ that I think you don't.
  20. Covenant cuz they don't even have to be on the planet to glass it then walk away.
  21. Aww I thought this post was gonna be about pokemon. Now I'm sad.
  22. Random1225


    dude my school is full of lesbos but only guys get in trouble.
  23. Random1225


    lol at my school the teachers suspend someone like every day for "touching" girls.
  24. Left 4 Dead is pretty fun I haven't played Hawx so idk. I would just borrow skate from someone and anyways I think they're making a skate 2 already.
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