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Everything posted by Random1225

  1. It's because emo chicks are HOT!
  2. You hot. We should go out sometime.
  3. Maybe but lets get some more suggestions lol.
  4. K I want to change my gamertag, but I don't know what I want to change it to. So any suggestions and no random crap ones like "I like Azz".
  5. I've been so ******* bored all weekend. I have done pretty much nothing. I didn't sleep at all last night and I have school tomorrow. I have to talk to a bunch of people I hate and pretend I don't hate them. So umm ya.
  6. He's talking about on his dev.
  7. It's in the vehicle section and I could find the exact identifier for you, but I'm not at my pc with my .maps so I don't feel like doing it right now.
  8. I don't think gum really affects anything except sometimes when I chew gum I get really hungry.
  9. That looks sick. I doubt you made it, but I have no proof so good job.
  10. I always drink a lot of water and soda when I'm sick. It's important to stay hydrated.
  11. Random1225

    Bioshock 2

    I want this game so bad. The first one was so fun to play. The little sisters freak me out a little though and the big sister like a pedophile who kidnaps little girls.
  12. Better hope it's not the Swine flu otherwise your dead.
  13. Random1225

    New Staff

    Fatal and Yungbol look sexy in blue.
  14. Random1225

    Broken Steel.

    Yep it's Tristan. Lol the scribe has a really weird name.
  15. Why did you bump this? I don't see any reason to bump it.
  16. This game didn't look that good to me, but the demos pretty fun. I love putting a bunch of explosives on a car and blowing them up while driving.
  17. Random1225

    Broken Steel.

    Dude this thing keeps looking cooler and it's even cooler because one of the Paladins is named after me lol.
  18. Melo you should tell me who's going to be Mod because I love you.
  19. I <3 you Melo and lol at lostmodz.
  20. Joined: 3-May 08 Other Aliases: None? Posts: 657 Were you on OLD IBM (The blue skin former one?): Yes? It depends are we talking about the Forumer one or the one from last year near june. Do you want VIP for the content, or to contribute to a smaller private area?: I don't understand what you mean. Knowing that there is leaked content in there, do you support leaked content or frown upon it?: I don't frown upon it. but I wouldn't say I support it.
  21. That's just what he's done so far that's why he's asking for suggestions.
  22. b ftgr http://www.supalife.de/k2kiosk/img_galleries/KESH-QUALLEN-FTGR-B.jpg
  23. why are you posting a link to dl it?
  24. I loled, lmaoed, and rofled.
  25. K thanks, I got it off gamefly so idk, I guess it's not my region which is kinda stupid they would send me something I can't use.
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