Well Idk if I can help much but the first thing i see is that it cant find "G:\Backups\Modding\Xbox\Halo2\My Mods\Phantom\phantom.info.xml". Maybe if that file was there it'd work?
I don't know If you can use modio or not. I used EzGt 2.2. You just open up you profile in it and change your gt to watever you want. Put it on your hard drive. Got to mw2 and don't sign in yet. Go to multiplayer and choose xbox live. It'll ask you to sign in. Sing in as your modded profile and itll ask you to make an avatar. Just press the middle Xbox symbol on your controller and it'll tell you this account cant play on live. Then choose xbox live again and itll ask you to sign in again. Now choose your normal account. All done!
Cheydinhal - Oblivion Imperial city - Oblivion The Citadel - ME Citadel - Fo3 Hyrule - Legend of Zelda Chao World - Sonic Adventure 2 Battle Destiny Island - Kingdom Hearts Series Twilight Town - Kingdom Hearts Series
Wow that's a lot of xboxs! I gotta say I'm kinda tempted. Ive been meaning to buy a jtag but Ive been too lazy to put any effort into and it doesn't seem like a bad deal.
I don't worship any god or anything like that but i can't deny the possibility of a god existing. Through religion is the only way to explain how the universe came to be.
I don't think i live in a big house. I mean sure there a people with big houses. A friend of mine lives in a house with like 7 rooms, 4 baths, 2 story, huge back and front yard. He's just lucky
**** this shit! There are some many games that should/shouldn't be in there. My top 5 would be: 1) Halo Series 2) Sonic Adventure 2 Battle 3) Elder Scrolls Series 4) Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 5) Super Smash Brothers Melee
Id like to help. Im gonna try and set up Xlink right now. How do I use Xlink? lol Edit: Ok well I can detect arenas for MW2 so its not that I'm not connected right, but I cant find Halo 3 arenas.