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Everything posted by iKhaosmaster

  1. Mangriff is correct. Here is a link for proof. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_operations
  2. It's not a big deal. There have been cases in the past. However this is a new version of it and more deadly we have nothing to fear. It could be contained if everyone was healthy enough to wash their hands after they touch something with germs and so on. Like Peaches said it will only effect people who have a weak immune system. When I say effect I mean it will effect people more with bad immune systems. Like think back to that baby that died for it. That's perfect proof because babies do not have good immune systems, their not fully developed, as well as the elderly. Anyone care to prove me wrong?
  3. I'm on an actual debate team.................
  4. You should've just posted in my Debate Forum suggestion. Lol
  5. I try making topics like this all the time. They don't work. -.-
  6. I actually spent all day playing with two of them last year. I found out one of them lives like two towns over from me. Rofl.
  7. Nvm this can be closed. Everything had been solved.
  8. I have one word to say. Limewire.
  9. I was active all last week to........... Rofl.
  10. I was active all week.......
  11. It's not me and her like fighting. It's more like me and her together against my step father.
  12. Well my mom and I are going through some family troubles currently. I might be gone for a week or so. I would like to keep what's going on to my mom and I. I will add more to this later.
  13. I heard this is good but IDM is better.
  14. We don't allow that here. Sorry.
  15. Epsilon that is proof right there you like to flame for no reason. Please read the shoutbox rules. I believe one of them is "5) Flamming another member (Deemed by Staff) is a 12 hour ban". Also nice job gatienthe. Also epsilon I'm not trying to be an *******. I'm just saying not to flame.
  16. So you would just sit there for countless hours to just get a serial?
  17. Yea that's pretty much it. So easy to make as well. Probably 2-10 lines of coding. @Steven. Why do you post worthless programs like this, not being an ass? Just saying don't bother posting them if they have no use.
  18. I'll post my version of this that I made a while back. So easy to make.
  19. They warn you don't they. Look on the sign up page. For free "No Advertising!" is unchecked thus warning you. If you highlight over that question mark next to it it says "While our free Fly Trap may come with some advertising, we do not send any advertising to our paying customers." thus warning you again. Therefore your taking the risk of getting spammed for that if you sign up.
  20. Ok well I did some research and it's real. Look here http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/Aheadofth...9472&page=1. If it's good enough to show up on ABC then it's real.
  21. Did I miss something while I was gone for 2 days?
  22. iKhaosmaster


    It's not the best. It's really mono. Keep working.
  23. That was a very interesting post Legacy. Lol
  24. It's ok Melo. I still <3 you. Good luck dude.
  25. Can't wait until it's up.
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