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Everything posted by iKhaosmaster

  1. Stupid idea to me. Lol.
  2. Happy Birthday my sexy beast!
  3. Thanks for the heads up Peaches.
  4. Whoever -repped me is gay.
  5. I only speak the truth.
  6. Try reinstalling it.
  7. Who was gay and - repped me for this?
  8. Awesome news. Happy to see this.
  9. Well here's an AIM fail. Slip and I were transferring a file and the percent went crazy. Here's a picture. It's not Photoshopped!
  10. You look like that crazy red head stalker in my school. No offense.
  11. He's really 26....... Lol.
  12. iKhaosmaster

    AIM 7 Beta

    I've had this for a while. I love it.
  13. Did you copy it to your references?
  14. It has no depth and the text is horrible. It doesn't have a good flow either.
  15. Wow I should get credit. I told you how to do this in the shoutbox today.
  16. Nice tutorial dude.
  17. Nights for me.
  18. Peaches you should allow name changes twice a year so if people don't like their new name they can change it back to the original.
  19. Looks really blurry like you said.
  20. iKhaosmaster


    Looks really good.
  21. Ok looks like I'll make a new one then.
  22. Good program yung.
  23. Make like a grenade launcher for these and like shoot them at people.
  24. Looks like a good program. What's the speed of the auto clicking?
  25. It won't be. I don't have access to the FTP. My friend owned the domain and had access to the domain. He hasn't been online for 4-5 months. I also did not own that script. My friend uploaded it. I could however make a new one for you guys.
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