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Everything posted by BTKC124

  1. K, On my old posts (Before sig Size update) it alwelys shows up, even if i edit it. and on new post and topics its about 50/50 Whats the Deal i dont get any messages saying its 2 big
  2. I LOL'ed but i can't add it, Sorry
  3. Gona add as soon as i get home (Leaving in like 10 mins)
  4. BTKC124

    New Staff

    Fatal & Yung Make me Proud! No offence but i would of thought it would be Korupt Data > YungBolo > Dan > Fatal
  5. More Like a patch than an update.
  6. I have a couple ideas for the upcomeing updates Post What you think Change The General Discussion Descriton; it curentleys is "This is a place for general discussion of topics that don't fit anywhere, but are too serious for the spam section. " And theres no spam Section! Off Topic Sub Section: The Lazy Speller It will be a section for serious stuff but spelling does not matter Merge ibotfiles.com with ibotmodz; Add a thing at the top? So Say what u think
  7. ya i thought it was only 4 ex vips but it dident realy make sense to me.
  8. I Dont Think There is For fireworks, i think your thinking of PhotoShop. K ill look
  9. Adobe Fireworks CS3 Portable Uploaded By: TheThreeTutors Post written up by BTKC124 of iBotModz.net Features: Rapidly prototype websites and application interfaces with Adobe® Fireworks® CS3. Create and optimize images for the web more quickly and accurately than ever before with an enhanced toolset. Bugs The Splash Screen Does Not work. Pictures http://static1.filefront.com/images/personal/t/TheThreeTutors/164179/qpqlwcadea.jpg http://static2.filefront.com/images/personal/t/TheThreeTutors/164179/cpvsuhyniz.jpg http://static3.filefront.com/images/personal/t/TheThreeTutors/164179/njokcyusxj.jpg Download Adobe Fireworks CS3 Portable Notes: - Uploaded By TheThreeTutors to FileFornt.com - Seams To work Perfectley On My Computer, but No One will Belive that so can some one uploaded it to VirusTotal. I Would But My internet has Terrable Upload. - Thanks Smoki, Because i used the H3 Map Modz Format, Which He made. Posted by "BTKC124" of iBotModz.net
  10. I don't Understand Anyways Joined:Apr 26 2008, 12:45 PM Other Aliases: N/A (None) Posts: 369 Were you on OLD IBM (The blue skin former one?): Don't Think so. So I will Just Say no Do you want VIP for the content, or to contribute to a smaller private area?: Both ( 50/50 ) Knowing that there is leaked content in there, do you support leaked content or frown upon it?: Depends, But i would Look Down On Anything From SupperModder911 And Any Other Respect Modder.
  11. No =(
  12. Add 8 Scarbs...LOL I Would Change the projectile from Gause Hog Shot to Chopper Shot and it was to fall projectile (Shots Stright)
  13. Xbox360 Icon Pack by ~JamisonX http://th01.deviantart.com/fs19/300W/i/2007/295/5/6/Xbox360_Icon_Pack_by_JamisonX.jpg Xbox360 icons. Original Xbox, Xbox Elite, Xbox Halo 3 SE, and as a bonus I did the Simpsons Movie Xbox as well. All 500x500 PNG. Download by ~JamisonX
  14. Or that is why.
  15. No Fin as in the end
  16. Ahh Good To know. Epic indeed ADDED
  17. LAMO Lamo, adding both
  18. BTKC124

    help me !

  19. Does not seam fair /= Lots of members are more active and post more than some VIP
  20. BTKC124

    help me !

    WTH does that mean??
  21. BTKC124 )= And Some Try And Try And Still don't Get it. And i will keep trying and trying to get it and when i do by Earning it and By Not Harassing, i can only hope dark does not take it away.
  22. BTKC124

    help me !

    k i was download adobe photoshop 6 and it was a virus norton auto protected it and it missed an ad ware AND the add ware disabled my system restore and i backed up my files in norton and it says theres no files to back up to.. and it also disabled norton to scan Seein attachments BTW thats affter a while soo Help me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  23. wait so it is turning invite only and only vip r staying????
  24. Thanks Well.....Idk...oh But what is someone does not have the right click button.
  25. Ya i almost did not get mine. i almost walked out with out it but then i remberd and asked
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