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Everything posted by Quinn

  1. That is even messier than my room...
  2. Ahh, it was just song lyrics, not that important
  3. I was wondering is there was a way to put HTML in our sigs?
  4. Well, I think I fixed it. I updated the drivers, and re-locked my CPU to 3 cores, as I don't need all 4 atm. Seems to be stable, played Bioshock II for a couple hours, 0 crashes.
  5. good to see that they are changing things up a bit
  6. Nope, a legitimate DVI ccable I find mine never goes over 45 C, although I have heard horror stories about cards like ours pushing 100 C (and not shutting down?) Regardless, Any ideas as to cooling solutions? --- It may be my PSU, I'm using a fairly no-name brand, I get my new one tommorow which is nearly twice the power... we shall see...
  7. I lol'd
  8. Quinn

    RRoD #2? wtf?

    Yes, except you are providing a service that you charge for, instead of useful info that people need to fix it themselves
  9. Before I start, I would also like to say that these problems also occur on L4D (the first one) --- After approx. 4-5 mins of playing Bioshock II, or L4D 1, I get these horrible screeching sounds, then the game crashes, and everything on screen goes funny colours (no, I was not high). Whenever a sound (attepts) to play, these screeching sounds occur for the duration of the sound. I don't have these problems with any other game, including S.T.A.L.K.E.R. COP, Fallout 3, L4D2 etc... Any ideas, I've heard it was interference, but I've eliminated that factor (as best I could). I have tried different ports/sound cards, but nothing works --- AMD Phenom II x4 @ 3.2ghz 4gb DDR3 1333 ATi Radeon HD 5770 Onboard audio and dedicated Creative sound card.
  10. fack
  11. Whoa, did I see NXE in there? I thought that a box needed to be pre-nxe for something like this...
  12. Quinn

    Ps3's Day Of Doom

    Or why my 360 gets "interference".... time to get a PS3?
  13. I thought our athletes did very good too, considering the commercials say they all eat at McDonalds (youtube it if you don't know what I'm talking about)
  14. Only half the year
  15. Crossed out the sports that suck Your right, we aren't the best at football, or boxing. But we pwn at winter sports
  16. Quinn

    breaking 360

    **** that shit knock on wood damn MS, they told me my xbox was RROD-proof. Well, if its RROD then at least I can diagnose it.
  17. How about we have 14 gold medals, which is a WORLD RECORD pwned
  18. Quinn

    breaking 360

    I did, can`t separate them any further
  19. pwned! I was late for a meeting to watch it... and it was worth the scorn 100%
  20. Quinn

    breaking 360

    I'm jacking your topic Connor this jogged my memory, my 360 is having even more issues (yes, apparently it is possible). At any given time, there are lines of static running diagonally across the screen. I have tried what teh interwebs said (interference from the power brick), with no (changed) result. Its going through VGA at 1080p.
  21. So you want to play burnt games.... on a non flashed xbox?
  22. Here we go...
  23. WittierCash - Was online when I had an xbox BIG WILLYYYYYY - teh uberhax profile (offline)
  24. Quinn


    You can polish it. MYTHBUSTERS PROVED IT!!!!111!!!11!!1! Belive it or Grant Imahara WILL KICK YOUR ASS Grant Imahara!!!
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