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Everything posted by Quinn

  1. Quinn

    Song of the Day!

    Yes, I did just go there.
  2. Quinn

    wow uber fail

    Percisly, thats where you would use an Xeon or Opteron. But for a system that would be used for video editing, for example, you would not use a server motherboard & CPU.
  3. Quinn


  4. Quinn

    wow uber fail

    This is mainly true, but for a multipurpose system, why not an i7? Xeon's are mainly for servers.
  5. You have to download a file off xbl (I think)
  6. Quinn

    wow uber fail

    =Ahh, but we are not talking about the "end user", We are talking about large company's that need a very fast central server (maybe the schools should take a lesson in that, instead of the slow as shit ones my school has =.=), but your right, the average user cannot use a server mobo & CPU. But this is just proving the point that CPU's with more than 4 cores can be useful.
  7. Nope, supplies are depleted
  8. Its still on for another 3 days, just in case you haven't entered yet. The 250 first prizes are 4000 MSP. http://www.xbox.com/en-US/community/promotions/2010/recessionproofgaming/default.htm
  9. Quinn

    wow uber fail

    Well, then those apps don't need 6 cores. But the apps for industry pros can utilize 6 cores, many can handle more than that. For instance there is a motherboard out that can hold 4 AMD processors, with 6 cores each. Thats 24 cores, and apps can utilize those too. Of Course, the average windows system cannot utilize more than 1 CPU, but thats beside the point. http://www.pugetsystems.com/part_info.php?part=6643 http://www.pugetsystems.com/part_info.php?part=6655
  10. I'm going to say no. Plus, you already bought a computer, so why are you buying another?
  11. why does that remind me of this bitchy girl I know
  12. Not if MS can get their shit together.
  13. Quinn

    Daft Punk

    *Brain Melts*
  14. I'll take a Sidewinder x6 keyboard and a wireless desktop 6000 for free
  15. Whenever I get around to it Anyways, today is a good day, and I'm not having any crashes xD
  16. Quinn

    wow uber fail

    This is a perfect example.
  17. Well, ATi is known for their iffy drivers, trust me, the 5xxx drivers were terrible (for me at least) before the latest release. You may want to check the C&C forums to see if anyone else has the issue.
  18. Quinn

    Daft Punk

    Can I has the PSD too?
  19. Quinn

    wow uber fail

    You don't need it for gaming, but for CPU intense things, I'm sure you could find a good use for 6 cores. P.S. AMD's response is coming soon, they already have engineering samples of a Phenom II x6 out.
  20. Yeah, but those were pretty much new games.
  21. I would assume that it isn't lack of power, my 5750 can handle Battlefeild Bad Company 2 on highest/dx 11. I would say its probably driver related.
  22. Let me just mirror that: http://www.multiupload.com/CLZN1HB1JF
  23. You really like Irobot don't you Anyways, I actually really like the second one, no complaints.
  24. Jesus, whatever happened too 800 being the highest amount of points for DLC?
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