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Everything posted by Konunef

  1. Nice, two thousand downloads
  2. Cool, but my sniping tower always disappears
  3. lol, bringing back the old n64 game. That was fun, before xbox came out, lol
  4. Digital ph33r rules! What is his gt?
  5. I personally think glitching is better and more fun than modding, because there are always new glitches that come and go, but when you get a mod, Its fun for awhile, then you don't play it anymore. Also there are not any *released* mods out there.
  6. I am getting it soon
  7. Spooky, that would be funny if the Ghost of blackout was real, that would be scarier!
  8. Cool, but It is not exactly new, it is just unreleased. Also, did you take these pics?
  9. Dude, that is really cool .
  10. Lol, I wish I had them. Cool
  11. Even though everybody knows what they are and what they do, it is still cool. Anyways, It should go into the info book that you get with the game, lol
  12. That is cool.
  13. I have had this map for awhile, but where are all the weapons? All I found was the sniper
  14. Wert ac gonna getcha
  15. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Please help me. I have a bungie.net account, and I changed my gamertag because I didn't like my old one. But now on bungie.net, I can't download anything or post anyhting, because it thinks I am still my old account, which DOESN'T EXIST ANYMORE! How do I change it to my new account, when I can't change my gamertag? Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Konunef

    snowbound mod

    I want it , my gamertag is Konunef
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