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Everything posted by Konunef

  1. I just found this pic. Don't go crazy and be like, OMG I found this before you! IT IS LIKE 2 days old! OMG! http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/screensh...e&ssid=36468463 =-=-=-=*** DOWNLOAD HERE SLOT 24 on MY FILE SHARE ***=-=-=-= Please tell me how to make the pic embedded If you know
  2. Dude, you released it?
  3. Hey include my name in that,
  4. How do I make the pics embedded
  5. go to this for pics. Lol that rhymes http://ibotmodz.net/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=114&t=3365
  6. People on the site ?
  7. OMG! Pimpin tyler yes! THIS IS MUCH BETTER THAN NOX'S ! You like completely redid the map. 1,000,000,000/5
  8. Please comment on this
  9. Shotspartin actually released to about 100 people
  10. Be amazed The storm Please comment
  11. here is the link + pics. Construct mod pics http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/screensh...3&ssid=36220295 http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/screensh...3&ssid=36220298 http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/screensh...3&ssid=36220479 http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/screensh...3&ssid=36220235 This does have a waterfall, plus grav lifts things (purple things) that you can ride, didn't get a pic of those though
  12. Ya, look at a Mfone andn DakHAOSguy024, they have a mod with them having recon during a mathch. Look at there pics. It is a gametype maybe
  13. closest to mine.
  14. happy birthday to all
  15. Happy (Almost birthday) to fattwam! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! SOON SOON SOON! Happy birthday to fattwam! Happy Birthday to you! [youtube:4qo30506]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeypOvsY91Q[/youtube:4qo30506]
  16. Konunef


    ok i gtg but i will add the rest of the story after school Where is the rest of the story?
  17. Gave it a lot of time, and it finally worked! I had to change it once, then it took a week, lol.
  18. Hey, I want some PROOF! I am not going to give you ANYTHING unless I have proof. I now when people try to scam me, such as DarksaO or something
  19. Do you actually get the maps? If you do, I will go to serious causes
  20. How do I donate it without giving you my credit card?
  21. Nope, didn't do it right
  22. When is your birthday? Mine is July 28, what about you? Closest birthday, FATTWAM! watch this:Happy b-day!)(goes for anybody)
  23. Konunef


    ya GTA4 is awesome. I ordered it, it didn't come. But i played it at my friends house for awhile
  24. Never thought it would happen, but it did. NICE BIATCH!
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