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Everything posted by Konunef

  1. Three words. THOSE ARE AMAZING!!!
  2. Thanks dude, It it a really good map. He has done the impossible, he has made a good ghost town map, give that guy a Klondike bar
  3. I DID NOT MAKE THIS MAP. My friend Alkrin made this map, this fabulous map. DOWNLOAD This is a fabulous map, that barely even looks like ghost town, it is a smaller better version of the map with many new rooms and cool new features! CREATED BY ALKRIN, one of the best halo 3 forgers. Video, the last map in the video is this map, also in the video, it shows some of alkrins new maps that were recently great, which are also good. I would recommend The plank, a nasty avalanche map. VIDEO BELLOW Vid {last one in video is this map} This has a few describable features First off, the man cannons are suppose to be candles in the haunted house. The weapons are placed around the map equally so the game is fair. There is not much to describe, you must see for yourself.PICS http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n333/konunef/Haunted1.jpg http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n333/konunef/haunted14.jpg http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n333/konunef/haunted11.jpg http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n333/konunef/hauntedpic10.jpg http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n333/konunef/Haunted4.jpg http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n333/konunef/Haunted3.jpg http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n333/konunef/Haunted2.jpg There are many more cool parts, but this is the inside or the house in the map ghost town, and it is small and hard to take pics. And i am trying to get someone to take a video of the map , so that may come soon. EDIT: For the video, this map is the last map shown in the video. It is just the pics that I have provided in a slideshow. And PLEASE COMMENT AND RATE(on this and on bungie.net) Be sure to check out his file share for SOME of his map. There are probably 24 more maps, but he couldn't fit them on his file share. Be sure to subscribe to his youtube account to stay in touch with his maps.(some videos are music)Subscribe here(if you can) SUBSCRIBE
  4. I dont think so
  5. Honestly codanator, I think it is pointless to sell this. Only someone who doesn't want to play a few games of team doubles. Team doubles is the easiest to get up. I would rather have something like lone wolves , or something that is hard to get up.
  6. Good job shot! I mean, this is a great playable mod, two thumbs up. one of your best
  7. Glitch, add me, I really want this mod and now i can't download cause you changed the link
  8. Congrats on making the first cold storage mod(i think) Well, if not you are the first to release it. I wish it were possible to make the thing come to life . but that is just my imagination!
  9. Glitch, can you show me this in customs?
  10. Dark can you do me a favor and put this on your file share until atleast noon tomorrow? my bungie.net account doesn't work and i have been looking forward to this mod for awhile.
  11. Finally, i like the playable mods. This is good, and yes, it would be better if it were bigger.
  12. Whaaaa? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!!! Wh at trailer?
  13. Don't do it valid, this map is going to be released soon, and i will give it out for free , i already gave it to you valid. Anyways, this map is fun. But i have better ones. I have 7 unreleased mods
  14. You said it -dark. Oh ya, by the way, many people resign for FREE
  15. You can say that again. It is always good to through in some laughs. That is why i like This video and machinima
  16. Man, I love these mods, but where is the extra sand? is it the sand in the Out of boundaries part?
  17. Thanks for putting up the file share link, but could I please see some pictures before i have to delete to maps?
  18. Does anybody have this on their file share? My bungie.net account got hacked so i can't download them unless they are on a file share. So is there anybody who has these on their file shares so i can download them?
  19. Yes, this has been up for awhile, and also, there are two other parts
  20. Here is a video of how to lower and raise your weapon. Sometimes only works in local matches. [youtube:1sda5w44][/youtube:1sda5w44] Made by machinima. here is the link if the embeded version didn't work. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3Pu1vL08cU
  21. So your basically willing to mod halo 2 for people? Lol, many people know how to do that, and it sounds like your just trying to take mods on halo 3 from people. And also, you spelled screenshots wrong. It is not screanshots, lol
  22. Yea, how did you manage that, and someone must have found out that you would have it, unless , for some UNREAL reasons, you didn't resign anythings. And why has nobody heard of you ?
  23. I have everything on the U.T.D. plus a few unreleased mods such as darkoff holo pelican UB3RTRACK SNIPER PIT MOD And two of nuklears mods. These are the unreleased/unleaked mods I have. Under the line below, I will put all of the 80 somethin mods i have, but not i am to lazy have to go to a funeral... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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