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Everything posted by REDSTAR 105

  1. oh -.- thats a shame.
  2. DECRYPT THIS: 1vN0SFnQ1NXcLFSdwd1nBogh5N0Wx4SbBxNnYWYJ18JjIvw/DF1a5dL+PcYab=57YfN+aWKKVWwEdFnAoNwrXxYMwd1n5dxFYfNxaNp7o406xv0zPuXcd8RfBxWuUygWYnLIoZ22 Method of my encryption: BASE-64 > GILA-7 > TRIPO-5 > ATOM-128 > HAZZ-15 > TIGO-3FX > ZONG22 first poster is WINRAR! (NO EDITING POSTS)
  3. Alright, obviously Mcmodder got hacked. Hacker, the door is right there, leave.
  4. What? do you think that they had the time to take a picture when they dropped in there? Hell no. The seals were trained to shoot him twice in the head if he didn't stand down and he's dead in the ocean because the Muslim tradition is that the body has to be buried within 24 hours of death, and since there were probably no countries that wanted him, and that Saudi Arabia and America didn't want his grave to be a focus point for extremists, they tossed him into the sea. There is DNA evidence, and photos, what else would you have wanted.
  5. LINK BROKEN ( (2.5 Year bump FTW)
  6. Welcome back Pyro! It's always nice to see old members come back to the site.
  8. If i post that im hosting one, he probably wouldn't see it.
  9. BUMP, for a good cause, this topic needs to start back up.
  10. lets just hope this halo 1 will be as awesome as we all thought, and we can mod it.
  11. That's one sick a** fan! But yeah, i have no previous knowledge of routers except replacing a capacitor in my powerline adapter.
  12. still faster than facebook.
  14. http://www.speedtest.net/result/1255669727.png I usually get 30down/24up but im on a wireless connection
  15. Alright, well thanks for the help everybody! I will probably be getting this within a month!
  16. Banned because you name backwards sounds like 'nuke'.
  17. Well I have absolutely no idea how to overclock but it shouldn't be that hard (???) And considering I have the option for getting a $90 motherboard and $110 processor for $30 less, then I'll just choose that. This may be the final decision right here!
  18. well welcome back kd! haven't seen you on here in awhile!
  19. Well i think I have found a suitable case then.... Next up, processor motherboard decision (really just a mb decision)
  20. yeah, i didnt think i would need all that much power, and the psu i found has really good reviews... i am also thinking about a DIY pc combo from newegg, ill keep looking EDIT: Should I trust a PSU that comes with a case?
  21. ^ Just a bit out of my budget....
  22. Delete this. (Can't edit posts from mobile devices.)
  23. Quinn you are freaking awesome! Although I don't need the newest products, as I am only using this computer for everyday use and not exactly gaming, I may get into some games but I'm not exactly sure yet... And I really dont want to stick with my pentium 4 processor, lol. Thanks for the advice! EDIT: This should be a great PSU http://www.newegg.co...N82E16817371033 I also was not planning to overclock but still have it under consideration..
  24. Haha, yeah i went to their website and it is one of the worst i've seen. Yeah i do have a Fry's about 15 miles away... I may check them out sometime. I was also worried about the case price myself, i mean i've seen some which i thought were better for $30 I also heard microcenter wasnt all that bad, but they are like 30 miles away so...
  25. As of right now I'm living fine off a 80gb HDD, i really dont need all that much, thnks for the PSU tip though grunt!
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