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Everything posted by REDSTAR 105

  1. This one's better IMO. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBb9wFP7uZM
  2. I'm gonna guess you were part of this "Flood" that everyone's commenting about.... What the hell is a flood?
  3. suup
  4. This guy is such a troll. You're doing it wrong btw.
  5. Hmm, maybe we can DDoS him offline then.......
  6. Member since 2008 and this is his first post. Woah.
  7. anyone remember ReDBaR?
  8. HAHAHHAHAHA looks like we have an internet tough guy!! Him IRL: http://lolpics.se/pics/26304.jpg
  9. Techno in general gets so much hate and criticism from people that stick to the mainstream stuff. My first thoughts of techno were also pretty negative, but as I started to hear it more and more, I stated to love it. Now I'm a dubstep/D&B/House junkie......
  10. Random, this post was beautiful :')
  11. LOL, thats what i said.... "noooo.... it was 5 years :DD"
  12. My thoughts exactly, lol.
  13. http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/8742/capturehz.png HAHAHAHAH YESSSS Link: EDIT: LOL they already deleted it..... PM from Forum Mod.... http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/3738/capturech.png
  14. $500, only if I got hosed off on the other side.
  15. thats my house.... assholes
  16. http://i.qkme.me/48fu.jpg
  17. Started this because 2010 was last year........ so yeah, post 'em! Air planking: http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/6044/airplanking.png
  18. REDSTAR 105

    Hitachi FW

    no prob!
  19. REDSTAR 105

    Hitachi FW

    It should be... Did you already update to the newest system update? Did you get an error code? If you didn't, you should be fine, but if you did and still haven't gone through the update, then: 1) Flash to stock firmware 2) Update 3) Flash back to latest Hitachi firmware tl;dr yes, if no error code when updating
  20. XBC: slcdragons105 (probably; haven't played in years) Xlink: slcdragons105 (probably; haven't played in years) XBL: DatsiK deadmau5
  21. Wants to take picture of self: Takes two days.
  22. I guess I will be getting GOW3 after all...
  23. hahah, slidell, that was like, 2 years ago!!! i have no more bacon :( epicmealtime ****** up my supply of bacon :(
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