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Everything posted by REDSTAR 105

  1. HAHAHAHAHHAH **** YES Nahh but seriously the only Candidate that has even mentioned his hatred towards the SOPA bill is Ron Paul. He's got my vote!
  2. If Halo 2 hours were added to this... my hour count would exceed well over 1,000 http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/6865/capturekn.png
  3. Screw Rick Perry, he's been a terrible governor for our state. Ron Paul is from Texas and he has my vote!
  4. Jeezus
  5. Gracias mi amigo
  6. Hey guys, a few forum members may know that I am actually dipping into dubstep production. Well I just wanted to share with you guys my favorite song out of the three I've made called 'Cumstep'. Basically just made this for fun, kinda a comedy dubstep. But yeah if you wanna check out more of my stuff feel free to drop by on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/Redstar105) or SoundCloud (http://soundcloud.com/redstar105). By the way, Cumstep will be on iTunes, Spotify, AmazonMP3, eMusic, Napster, Zune, and other crappy music websites within a few days so be sure to be on the lookout for it! Thanks!! EDIT: It's on iTunes! http://itunes.apple.com/album/cumstep/id479106715 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XTPb7iVDYQ
  7. Just got reminded, I actually got into modding Halo at 8 years old with Halo Trial on the PC 10 years old for Halo 2 modding (Joined iBotModz) 15 Years old now, still here, and now shifted my interests to physical modding (engineering stuff)
  8. Xboxtampers... i remember that site Sligstorm right?
  9. On the .net domain I was on co.nr and fourmer a little more that a year before halo 3 released.... so around 2006
  10. It's so sad to see how this site has gone from 1 post a minute to 1 post a day. God it's been so long I can't even remember what year I joined, either 2006 or 2007. This has been a great site, not only for modding, but also the people and the memories that have been left here. I learned so much from this site that it ultimately shifted my interests to computers, hardware, and programming... without a doubt this site will help impact what I become in the future. Thanks Peaches for keeping the site up for this long, been here since the beginning and I'll stay until the end hopefully along with the other veterans. Redstar
  11. You can see the reflection of the original "M" still there. But that's it lol, nice work
  12. lol anyone remember ReD.BaR?
  13. I'd love to have some of your wood.
  14. Halo CE, MW3 (Don't judge...) and isn't Halo 4 coming out next year?
  15. headlong :'D
  16. Donald Trump says "You're fired." This guy shoots a gun at you.
  17. ^ 2 year bump... nbd
  18. i dont even play bf1942 but that was amazing
  19. REDSTAR 105

    I'm back

    lol "I came..." But really, good luck with everything!
  20. FL Studio
  21. EDIT: as a matter of fact, I make it. (As of last weekend) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Redstar/212987518759060
  22. hI
  23. Sometimes I stand in the corner, and pretend I'm a carrot.
  24. Nobobdy reads the user license stuff... or the ToS.
  25. arachnidmau5 spiders n stuff
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